Chapter 228

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"When did I intervene in the relationship between Ayu and Liu Honghong? Does the educated youth named Chen Zhaodi have a brain problem? She believes whatever Liu Honghong says.

And the educated youth named Zhang Xiaoling is not a good thing. As the old saying goes, the dog who can bite doesn't bark, and it is Zhang Xiaoling. "Liu Meihua said angrily.

After listening to Liu Meihua's words, she raised her eyebrows. She didn't expect that Liu Meihua could see through the nature of Chen Zhaodi and Zhang Xiaoling through a brief description of things. It seems that Liu Shuyu's parents really taught Liu Meihua as the mistress of the family.

"Sister Meihua, calm down, if it's not true, why are you angry."

"Mei Hua, Xiao Xiao is right, those people and those things are not worth your anger."

"I know Ayu, Xiaoxiao, have you figured out a way to deal with them?"

"There is one way, that is, the breakthrough is more troublesome."

"What is the method, please tell me first." Liu Shuyu said curiously.

"Director Chen, only by taking down Director Chen can the three people be resolved at once."

Liu Shuyu was silent for a while after hearing Director Chen’s breakthrough, and then he said, “Although Director Chen has a bad reputation outside, he is a very filial son, and his mother has been in poor health over the years. I'm afraid that if you want to break through Director Chen, you can only start from his mother's side."

"How do you know this."

"A few years ago, when my family was still in decline, I followed my father to Director Chen's house, so I knew something about his family."

"In this case, I'll go to the county town tomorrow, can I try the method you said?"

"How do you try? If it's a gift to his mother, I advise you to forget it as soon as possible. Director Chen's family is not short of money or things."

"Hey... I'm really going to give a gift this time, but this gift is just medicine."

"Xiao Xiao, don't be impulsive, if you give the medicine to Director Chen, he will think you cursed him to be sick." Liu Meihua persuaded anxiously.

"Don't worry, Director Chen of the medicine I sent will not only not be angry, he will happily accept it."

Liu Meihua originally wanted to dissuade her, but he felt that Ayu was pulling her sleeves, so he swallowed what he had said.

After coming back from Liu Shuyu’s house, I rubbed my temples with my hands. Recently, too many upsets have made my brain a little bit painful. It seems that the two troublemakers must be brought out of Tianshui Village this time to have a peaceful life. .

I got up early the next morning and opened a letter of introduction to the captain's house, and then went to the county in an ox cart.

After getting out of the ox cart, several people were asked about the location of the compound where Director Chen lived.

When I came to the gate of Director Chen’s compound, watching the guard standing at the gate of the compound frowned, it seemed that the possibility of wanting to enter Secretary Chen’s house was too small. Now I must think of something else. The way to do it.

Standing at the gate of the compound, watching people coming in and out, suddenly heard an old lady complaining that the queue for half a month had not bought pork, and she suddenly had a plan in her heart.

"Grandma, I have been looking for you for a long time, why are you here."

Suddenly, the old lady who was called grandma was taken aback. She saw an eight or nine-year-old girl motioning her to talk aside with her eyes. After thinking about it, she followed the girl to the side.

"Grandma, I just heard you say you want to buy meat, right?"

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