Chapter 374

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Lu Xiaoxiao saw the Twelve Guardians fall to the ground, she immediately took out a silver needle to seal his dantian, and then she attacked the others.

Lu Xiaoxiao kept choosing her opponent to fight, until she knocked the fourth person to the ground, the blood evil person finally found something was wrong.

"Old man Gui, who is that little girl?" Blood Moon asked while attacking the old man.

"Naturally, the fifteen of us Ghost Sha will take refuge." Old Man Gui replied after avoiding the attack of Blood Moon.

"I didn't expect that the fifteen ghosts of you would actually be reduced to a little girl who hasn't stopped breastfeeding." Xueyue said mockingly.

"Hehe...Look at your protectors, they are not being beaten by the non-abstaining little girl in your mouth and unable to move."

Bloody Moon was choked by the old man's words and couldn't say a rebuttal, because the old man was telling the truth, so he attacked the old man more fiercely.

After Lu Xiaoxiao solved the fifth person, he looked at the old man and the others. When he saw the old man and they hadn't solved it by one of them so far, she shouted at the old man and them: "Quick fight."

After hearing the little girl's words, the old man yelled: "Brothers take out the things, so that they can taste the power of this thing."

After Xueyue heard the little girl’s words, he was vigilant. It would certainly not be a simple one to make the fifteen people of Guisha willingly take refuge. In addition, she beat all of his five guardians with one person. She couldn't move, obviously her force value was not lower than that of Guisha Fifteen.

Now the old man ghost asked his brother to take out the things. Obviously, the thing was used to deal with them, so he is now more vigilant.

After the second ghost and the others heard what the big brother said, they immediately took out the powder that the little witch gave them, and then when they found an opportunity during the fight, they sprinkled the powder towards their opponent.

In just three minutes, except for the blood moon and the two guardians around him, all the others fell to the ground and couldn't move.

Xueyue watched this scene, his eyes turned red with anger, he stared at the old man, and said, "You are mean."

After hearing the words of the bloody moon, the old man was unhappy, so he said to the bloody moon: "How mean I am, just now we bet that whoever knocks the other person down on the ground first, even if whoever wins, he didn't say no. Medication."

"You..." Bloody Moon was so angry with the old man's words that he couldn't say anything other than you.

"We withdraw." Blood Moon said to the remaining two people.

As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao sealed all the Dantian who fell on the ground, she heard the bloody moon say that she was leaving, so she immediately said, "Hold on, you can't leave now."

Xueyue became stiff when he heard the little girl's words. Now he is completely passive. If he doesn't leave immediately, he is afraid that he will give his life here today, so he immediately ran down the mountain with the two remaining guardians.

"Old man ghost, go and stop them for me."

After hearing the little girl’s words, the old man immediately took his brother to chase Blood Moon and them. Since he personally experimented with a handful of the powder, he doesn’t want to run away at all. He just wants to follow him. By the little girl's side, there will be more good things to play with in the future.

At this time, it was not only the old man who had this idea, but his fourteen brothers had the same idea as him.

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