Chapter 349 Strange Village (1)

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After Lu Xiaoxiao heard the conversation between the two outsiders in the sack, she almost rushed out of the sack to beat the two people out of anger. If it hadn’t been for the surviving reason to tell her not to be impulsive, and to be critical of the overall situation, she must have already rushed. out.

"Er Biao, I have delivered the person, and I will leave the rest to you."


After Ma Liu heard what Er Biao said, he took Ma Qi and left the village.

Er Biao glanced at the back of Ma Liu and Ma Qi leaving, then carried Lu Xiaoxiao on the ground on his shoulders, and then walked towards the village.

Lu Xiaoxiao bumped Er Biao's shoulder for more than ten minutes, and when she was about to be thrown out by the bumps, the person carrying her finally stopped.

"Xiao Biao...Xiao Biao... Come out quickly and see the new Tong Yang daughter-in-law that Dad found for you." After returning home, Er Biao yelled into the house.

"Father...Where is Xintong's daughter-in-law, please let her come out and play with Xiao Biao."

"Okay, dad, let her come out to play with Xiao Biao now." Er Biao comforted his son and reached out to untie the sack, and then poured Lu Xiaoxiao out of the sack.

As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao was poured out of the sack, she squinted her eyes and looked around. When she saw a fat boy squatting not far away staring at her drooling, she was caught A shocked Ji Ling sat on the ground.

"Father, look quickly, Tong Yang's daughter-in-law sat down on the ground, and her ass must have blossomed." Xiao Biao pointed to Lu Xiaoxiao's ass and said towards her father.

"Xiao Biao, don't worry, Tong Yang's daughter-in-law is very resistant to falls. Her butt is as hard as a rock, and she won't fall and blossom." Er Biao looked at Xiao Biao lovingly and said.

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Er Biao's words, she was immediately affected by Lei's outer focus and inner tenderness. What makes her very resistant to falling, and what makes her butt as hard as a rock, she doesn't know.

"Father, where are the child brides-in-laws before me, please let them come out and play rock with me."

"Okay, Dad will help you bring them here now. You stand here and don't move."

"Hmm, I will stay here obediently."

Er Biao smiled after seeing his son's well-behaved appearance, and then turned around to find someone for him.

Seeing his father left, Xiao Biao moved to Lu Xiaoxiao's side in small steps, and then said: "Tong Yang, I will kick you with the other three daughters in a while."

When Lu Xiaoxiao saw the fat ball moved to her side, she immediately moved back. As soon as she moved the position, she heard the fat ball saying that she was going to kick her, so she glanced sharply at him and her voice was cold. Asked: "Why are you kicking me?"

"Father said your ass is as hard as a rock, so I want to kick"

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Fat Qiu's words, she wanted to punch him with a fist, but thinking that there was a problem in his brain, Lu Xiaoxiao had to swallow that breath back, and then she kept thinking about not worrying about fools... ...Don't care about fools.

"You are not allowed to kick me, or I will ignore you in the future."

When Xiao Biao heard Xin Tong's daughter-in-law, he ignored him, so he hurriedly said: "Tong's daughter-in-law, I won't kick you, don't ignore me."

"Well, as long as you listen to me in the future, I will play with you."

"Hmm, I'm obedient."

When Er Biao came back with someone, he saw Lu Xiaoxiao and his son chatting there. He smiled comfortably, and then said: "Xiao Biao, do you like this new child bride?"

"Father, Xiao Biao likes this child bride, so Xiao Biao doesn't kick her anymore."

"Okay, Xiao Biao is here to play with your new child bride, and Dad will cook for you."

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