Chapter 354 Strange Village (6)

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"Xiao Xiao, I'm going to sleep first, or I'm afraid I won't have the energy to deal with the young master tomorrow."

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded when she heard Xie Min's words, and then said: "Go to sleep, I want to hear the sounds outside."


At 12:30 in the morning, Lu Xiaoxiao heard the screams of a group of women and the private roars of a group of men outside the house. She knew what was happening outside without thinking about it, but Lu Xiaoxiao didn’t understand why they did it. It seems that there are many secrets in this village.

After more than an hour, the outside voice gradually stopped. Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the sleeping three of Xie Min. It seemed that things outside the house must happen frequently, otherwise the three of them would not be immune.

At 7 o'clock the next morning, the door to the room was opened. Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Biao who was walking towards her, and then smiled at him.

"Xiao Xiao, get up quickly, I'll take you to the village to play." Xiao Biao said while looking at Lu Xiaoxiao sitting on the bed.

"But my uncle said that I can only stay in the room and can't walk around, otherwise he will beat me." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Biao and said.

"My dad promised you to go with me, dad, tell Xiaoxiao that you promised to let her go to the village with me." Xiaobiao urged, taking his father's hand.

After taking a look at his son, Er Biao spoke to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Today you accompany Xiao Biao to the village. Remember not to walk around."

"I know."

Ten minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao walked around the village with Xiao Biao. She walked for a while and found that this village was similar to Tianshui Village, and there was nothing strange. So she stopped Xiao Biao who was walking in front of her. , And then asked: "Xiao Biao, where do you usually go to play in the village?"

"I like to play under the big banyan tree in the center of the village. There are many people like me. I like to play with them."

"Then are you taking me to the big banyan tree to play now?"

"Yes, I want to show you Dalong, Erniu, and Goudan."

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Xiao Biao's words, she asked suspiciously: "Why did you show me to them? I don't know them."

"Because the child daughter-in-law they have been talking about before is not as good-looking as their child daughter-in-law, so I will take you to show them and let them know that my child daughter-in-law is the most beautiful."

After Lu Xiaoxiao heard Xiao Biao's words, she felt struck by lightning. She looked at Xiao Biao standing in front of her and asked, "Can I not go?"

"No, I brought you out today to let their child bridesmaid compare."

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Xiao Biao's words, the corners of her lips twitched fiercely, and then he continued to walk in the direction of the big banyan tree.

"Dalong, Erniu, Goudan, come and see the new daughter-in-law my father found for me." Xiao Biao shouted at the three people squatting on the ground playing in the mud when he came under the big banyan tree.

The Dalong three who were playing in the mud heard Xiao Biao's words, and immediately put down the things in their hands and ran towards Xiao Biao.

"Wow...Xiao Biao, your new child bride's daughter-in-law is so good-looking. Where did your dad find it, I also want my dad to find one." Dalong looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and turned towards Xiao Biao. Asked.

"Yes, Xiao Biao, please tell us where your father found her. She is more beautiful than all my child brides-in-laws." Er Niu looked at Xiao Biao with envy and asked.

"Xiao Biao, please tell us quickly." Goudan also said anxiously. He really likes Xiao Biao, the new child bride-in-law.

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