Chapter 309 First Snow (1)

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Liu Meihua heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words and immediately said: "Liu Youcai was sentenced to death, and Liu Honghong was sentenced to life."

Lu Xiaoxiao didn't feel the slightest surprise when she heard Liu Meihua's words, because she had guessed that Liu Youcai's father and daughter were miserable.

"Sister Meihua, when are you and Liu Shuyu getting married?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Liu Meihua with a playful look.

Liu Meihua immediately turned red when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and after a while she whispered, "The seventeenth of the twelfth lunar month."

"Then I will congratulate Sister Meihua in advance."

Liu Meihua's face turned even more red when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. She raised her head and glared at Lu Xiaoxiao, then said that I am going home, and then ran out of the house.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Liu Meihua's disappearing back and laughed. She thought to herself that the people nowadays are so cute.

At 8 o’clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the cowshed with the things for the masters. She first took out the four cotton coats and handed them to the four masters. Then she said: "Masters, this cotton coat is all from me. The tailor shop is newly made. As for why there are so many patches on the clothes, you might have guessed the reason, so I won’t explain it.”

Old Fan and the others couldn't help but twitched their mouths when they saw the colorful patches on their clothes. They thought that the most beautiful clothes they had worn in their lives were probably the one they had.

"Master, you can divide these four pairs of trousers. They are all the same size." Lu Xiaoxiao was busy distributing things, completely unaware of the tangled expressions of her four masters.

Mr. Fan and the others thought that the most flowery clothes they wore was the one they had on their hands, but when they saw their pants, they were instantly beaten, because there were more colorful patches on the pants than on the clothes. .

The four of Fan Lao smiled helplessly after looking at the clothes and trousers in their hands, and then they put the clothes and trousers on the bed and began to help Xiao Yato organize things.

After all the things were divided, Lu Xiaoxiao checked that the time was past nine o’clock, so she said to Fan Lao and the others: “Masters, I’ll go back today. I’ll give you the missing things in a few days. Fill."

After Lu Xiaoxiao returned home, she immediately went into the bathroom of the space and took a hot bath. She didn't go to sleep until the whole body was warm.

Time flies like a white horse. In a blink of an eye, a month has passed. During this month, except for Lu Xiaoxiao studying with the masters every night, she either stays at home to practice exercises or eats in the kitchen. In short, I had a very fulfilling life every day.

This morning, Lu Xiaoxiao went to the yard after eating breakfast as usual, but she just walked a small circle in the yard and saw it snowing, so she immediately shouted happily, "It’s snowing now. Snow..."

Zhang Xu came under the wall of the little girl's courtyard and just wanted to go over the wall. He didn't expect to hear the cheerful voice of the little girl.

So he immediately turned into the yard and looked at the little girl and said, "Do you like snow so much?"

"Of course I like it. This is the first snow of this year." Lu Xiaoxiao said excitedly.

After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, he realized how Zhang Xu had come to her house, so she turned to look at Zhang Xu and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I have something to go back to Beijing, so if you come to your house for one night, you should take me in?" Zhang Xu looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and said.

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