Chapter 214

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After hearing the captain's words, Chen Zhaodi abruptly dropped her raised foot back to the ground, but her eyes were still fixed on Lu Xiaoxiao, as if she could kill the opponent with her eyes.

The captain shook his head when he saw Chen Zhaodi's appearance at the moment, and then said to the group of people in the educated youth academy: "Catch up" and walked towards the pig farm.

Everyone in the educated youth academy saw the captain's back and forth farther and farther away, they glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao and then hurriedly chased the captain.

At this moment, the people in the educated youth academy really regret it. Why did they believe Chen Zhaodi’s nonsense at that time? If they did not believe Chen Zhaodi, they would move to the warehouse early, and now they don’t have to carry their luggage here to get in the rain, let alone go. Live in the pigsty.

When the captain brought everyone from the Educated Youth Academy to the house next to the pigpen, he stretched out his hand and pushed the door open and said to them, "You will live here before the rainstorm stops."

After the captain opened the door, the educated youth academy immediately looked inside the house.

When they saw half of the hogweed piled in the house, shovel and broom with pig dung, they almost died on the spot without being scared.

Before they were relieved from the blow, they heard the captain tell them that they would live here before the rainstorm stopped, and a group of people stiffened in place as if struck by lightning.

As if not seeing their reaction, the captain said again: "You can live here and you are much happier than those who live in the warehouse. Seeing that there is no shed on the other side of the pigpen, there is a place for cooking pigs. A large stove for food, you can use that stove to cook rice when you live here, is it better than living in the warehouse."

Everyone in the Educated Youth Academy has been completely numbed by the "surprise" one after another, and now they only nod their heads when the captain says anything.

After seeing the reaction of everyone in the Educated Youth Academy, the captain thought they were particularly satisfied with this place, otherwise how could they nod their heads in unison.

He just said, how could they be dissatisfied with such a good place for them to live in, so he said: "Since your accommodation is arranged now, I will go first, and you guys should come in and clean up. , And then go to the boiling pot and wash with hot water. Don’t catch a cold after so long in the rain."

After speaking, the captain didn't go to see the reaction of the group of educated youth academies. Anyway, he had arranged for them anyway, so he went with peace of mind at the moment.

After the captain left, everyone in the educated youth institute looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, everyone looked at Chen Zhaodi.

When Chen Zhaodi saw everyone looking at her with reproaching eyes, she jumped up and said to everyone in the educated youth academy: "Why are you looking at me like this? I didn’t let you live here. Blame you on Lu Xiaoxiao. If she didn't let us live in her house, how could we live in the pigpen now."

After hearing Chen Zhaodi's words, everyone felt that something was wrong, but they didn't have the energy to investigate further, so they acquiesced to Chen Zhaodi's words.

Zhang Xiaoling felt very upset when she saw that things had developed like this. On the one hand, she felt that Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know good or bad, but on the other hand, she felt that Chen Zhaodi was a waste, and she couldn't handle even this little thing.

At this moment, she had to say: "Since we are going to live here now, everyone should quickly clean up. I will go to the stove and give everyone hot water."

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