Chapter 211

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The captain frowned even more sadly after hearing Chen Zhaodi’s words. He could still squeeze two people in his house, but there were more than a dozen people in the educated youth institute. It would be inappropriate for him to ask anyone to live in his house because there is no one who lives in his house. People will say that he is not fair.

Just when he was the first two years old, he heard Chen Zhaodi ask again: "Captain, can't you find a place to arrange for us to live?"

"Yeah, you have also seen that these warehouses are already full of people, and the people in the team who have no problem with the house also arranged for people to live in. It is really impossible to find a place to arrange you to live in."

Everyone in the educated youth institute raised their mouths high when they heard the captain’s words, and the captain lowered his head just when they raised the corners of their mouths, so they didn’t see their expressions, or he would leave in anger. .

"Captain, there is actually a place for us to borrow." Chen Zhaodi said.

When the captain heard this, his frown loosened a little, and he opened his mouth and said: "Chen Zhiqing, seeing the rain getting heavier, if you know where you can borrow it, just say it quickly."

"Captain, there is no one in Lu Xiaoxiao's house to borrow, right?"

The captain paused after hearing Chen Zhaodi's words, and did not immediately answer her question. In fact, he had thought of Xiaoxiao's house before, but he had not thought about arranging these people to live in her house.

From the time Xiaoxiao girl came to them, he knew that although she was young and seemed to talk very well, she was actually not like that.

Xiao Xiao’s child is actually a love-hate person. As long as you give her one point good, she will pay you three points good, but if you treat her one bad point, she will pay you back Very bad.

The things that the group of people in the educated youth institute did in the past completely offended Xiao Xiao's child. Now this group of people still want to live in someone's home. Isn't that whimsical?

Chen Zhaodi saw the captain standing there in a daze without answering her question, so he said: "Captain, did you hear what I said just now?"

The captain scanned all the people in the educated youth academy with his eyes, and then said leisurely: "Do you all want to borrow from Lu Zhiqing?"

The educated youth academy didn’t answer when he heard the captain’s question. Only Chen Zhaodi’s mindless one said: “Captain, we have no choice now. The entire team can still borrow people from her family.”

After hearing Chen Zhaodi's words, the captain took a deep look at her, and then said: "Since you all want to go to Lu Zhiqing's house, I will take you there."

Everyone in the educated youth academy smiled upon hearing the captain's words, as if they had all moved into Lu Xiaoxiao's house at the moment.

The captain glanced at the group of people in the Educated Youth Academy with pity, and wondered if this group of people had been kicked by a donkey, or how could they be sent to the door to find abuse.

The captain braved the pouring rain and brought the group of people from the educated youth academy to the door of Lu Xiaoxiao’s house. He knocked on the door of the yard and shouted: "Educated youth Lu, I am the captain. I have something to discuss with you. Come out. Open the door."

After hearing the captain’s voice, Lu Xiaoxiao, who was sitting on the kang in the hall, took an umbrella and went out to open the door.

When she opened the courtyard door, she almost didn't laugh when she saw the group of chickens following the captain.

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