Chapter 331 Threat (3)

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"Master Zhang, I didn't hear what you said just now, so please say it again." Lu Xiaoxiao felt that her hearing might be a problem, otherwise how could she have heard such a sentence.

"I hope you leave Zhang Xu."

After hearing what Elder Zhang said again, Lu Xiaoxiao determined that it was not her hearing that had a problem, but that what Elder Zhang said was the sentence she thought it was impossible to hear.

Lu Xiaoxiao thought that if she remembered correctly, that sentence should have been addressed to Zhang Xu’s girlfriend, and shouldn’t Mr. Zhang give out a check when he said that, even if it’s not there now. He should also throw a pile of money out of the check. Isn't it all that way in TV dramas? This old man is too unprofessional.

If Elder Zhang knew Lu Xiaoxiao's inner thoughts at the moment, he would vomit three liters of blood.

"Elder Zhang, I have never been with Zhang Xu before, what to talk about leaving, and it is impossible for me to be with Zhang Xu at such a young age, so don't worry too much."

When Mr. Zhang heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, he was confused. It was obvious that Zhang Xu had already recognized her as his younger sister. Why did she say that they had never been together, and that his younger sister had nothing to do with her age.

"I don’t care if you are with Zhang Xu or not. I hope you disappear into Zhang Xu’s world from this moment on. As for Zhang Xu’s recognition of you as a younger sister, it must have never happened. In short, don’t have with Zhang Xu anymore. Anything to do."

After hearing Master Zhang’s words, Lu Xiaoxiao realized that what he said just now meant not to recognize Zhang Xu as his brother. She hadn’t gotten to a point after talking to him for a long time, and felt a bit embarrassed inexplicably.

"Is this what Zhang Xu meant or did you mean Mr. Zhang?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked when he looked at Mr. Zhang.

"I mean."

"Since it is not Zhang Xu's intention, why do you want me to leave him."

"Just because I am his grandfather."

"Heh... if you want me to leave, let him personally tell me, as long as he opens my mouth and I leave immediately, I will leave without taking my head back."

When Mr. Zhang heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, he felt that his blood pressure had risen. If he could say anything, Zhang Xu would not have to sit here and get angry.

"If you don't leave Zhang Xu, don't blame me for using tricks on you. Knowing that in my current position, wanting to kill you is as easy as crushing an ant." Old man Zhang looked at Lu Xiao like an ant. Shino.

After Lu Xiaoxiao heard what Elder Zhang said, her small universe finally broke out, so she looked at Elder Zhang with a bright smile and said: "You can try to see if you killed me first, or I destroyed the entire Zhang family first. "

If there is someone familiar with Lu Xiaoxiao at this moment, he will definitely persuade Elder Zhang to stop, because the brighter Lu Xiaoxiao smiles when she is angry, the more she wants to kill him.

When the old man Zhang heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she immediately laughed. He didn't know where she came from. The courage to say those words, is it young and frivolous?

However, in order to prevent her from talking nonsense in front of Zhang Xu, it is best to settle this matter gently. The reason why he said just now that he would use means to deal with her is to scare her. He really didn't dare to have Zhang Xu in front of him. Move her.

"You tell me how you are willing to leave Zhang Xu." Father Zhang looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and asked. "

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