Chapter 310 First Snow (2)

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Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words and said: "Which time did you come here I didn't serve you with delicious food."

When Zhang Xu heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, he smiled half-heartedly and said, "Would you like to go with me when I return to Beijing this time?"

Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words and meditated for a while and said: "How many days are you going back to Beijing this time?"

"A week or so?"

"Do you also perform the task?"

"No, something personal."

"Then I will go with you."

Lu Xiaoxiao thought that a few days would be the day of worship for the original owner's parents. Since she now has the original owner's body, she naturally has to take on the original owner's responsibility.

"it is good."

"Have you had breakfast?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked, looking at Zhang Xu.

"I haven't eaten yet."

"Then I will help you cook a bowl of noodles now." After speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards the kitchen.

Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the hall with a bowl of green cabbage and pork noodles. She put the noodles in front of Zhang Xu and said, "Hurry up and eat."

Zhang Xu looked at the delicious noodles in front of him. He said thank you to Lu Xiaoxiao and took his chopsticks to eat.

Zhang Xu went into the kitchen to wash the dishes after he finished eating the noodles. When he finished washing the dishes and returned to the main room, I saw that the little girl was holding a little book of books and reading there, so he said: "You like reading little books of books. ?"

"It's not like it, it's just to pass the time."

"This time I return to Beijing, I will show you a few books that I read when I was a kid. They are definitely better than the little books?"

Lu Xiaoxiao immediately became interested when she heard Zhang Xu's words, so she said: "What books are they all?"

"It's meaningless to say it now. You will know when you get the book."

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words, she rolled her eyes and said, "You are trying to mourn my appetite."

"I really don't think so, I just want to make you feel more joyful when you get the book." Zhang Xu said with an innocent look on Lu Xiaoxiao.

"Well, I count you wronged."

"Little girl, what are you going to do when you return to Beijing this time?"

"My parents' memorial day is coming soon, I will worship them."

Zhang Xu only remembered that her parents had died this month after hearing what the little girl said, so he opened his mouth and said, "I will accompany you to worship your parents."

"That's my parents, what are you doing."

"I am your brother now, so your parents can also be said to be my parents." Zhang Xu thought this reason is very reasonable and powerful.

Lu Xiaoxiao was speechless after hearing Zhang Xu's words. She thought to herself that if the parents of the original owner knew that they suddenly had such a big son, she wouldn't know if they would come back to life in fear.

"Zhang Xu, what happened when you returned to Beijing this time?"

"My grandfather's birthday comes and I go home to wish him his birthday."


"This time I will take you to celebrate my grandfather's birthday." Zhang Xu said while looking at Lu Xiaoxiao.

"What am I going to do on your grandpa's birthday?"

"Have you forgotten what I just said? You are now my sister, and I am your brother. I will accompany you to worship your parents. You naturally have to join me to celebrate my grandfather's birthday."

"Then don't accompany me to worship your parents, and I won't go with you to congratulate your grandfather."

"I hope you can go with me this time." Zhang Xu looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and said seriously.

"Do you really want me to accompany you to wish your grandpa birthday?"


"Okay, I promised you, but don't blame me for making troubles if you provoke me inadvertently."

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