Chapter 227

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"I didn't expect to report this matter to become more and more complicated, I really don't know what will happen next." Liu Meihua said with a worried expression.

"Sister Meihua, no matter how things develop in the future, I will not let anyone who hurt me go. As for how Liu Honghong should deal with it, it's up to you and Ayu.

However, there is an old saying that goes well: cutting grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze regenerates. "

Liu Meihua was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then burst into a big laugh, smiling and tears streaming out of her eyes unconsciously.

"Xiao Xiao, I didn't expect that we were not as good as you as a child in handling things. It would be great if we met you earlier, so Ayu's family should be alive now."

"Sister Meihua, people can't come back from death, we should all look forward."

"You are right. We should look forward. Now I will take you to find Ayu, and the three of us will discuss what to do next."

After walking out of Liu Meihua's house for about seven or eight minutes, he came to the door of Liu Shuyu's house. Before he could reach out and knock on the door, the door opened from the inside.

"Meihua and Xiaoxiao, why are you here?"

"Ayu, let's go in first before speaking." Liu Meihua walked directly toward the courtyard after speaking.

Liu Shuyu took two glasses of water from the house and placed it on the stone table in the yard, and then said: "Drink some water first."

Liu Meihua didn't go to serve the cup and drink water, but directly said: "Ayu, Xiaoxiao and I have found out the real culprit behind the report. Now we are here to discuss with you how to deal with them."

"Who is it?" Liu Shuyu asked eagerly.

"Heh... Ayu is an old acquaintance of ours, you should think of who it is."

"Liu Honghong?"

"Yes, it's that bitch. If there is a father, there must be a daughter. Liu Honghong's family deserves to die."

"Mei Hua, you don't need to be angry, because that kind of popularity is broken, you are not worth it." Liu Shuyu comforted.

"Ayu, you're right. It's not worth it for the popularity to break, but I will definitely not let her go this time. Xiaoxiao told me a word before: cutting the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows again.

In the past, we were too kind, which led to uncles and aunts... "Liu Meihua couldn't help crying as she spoke.

Liu Shuyu lowered his head when he heard Liu Meihua's words. After a while, he raised his head, and then reached out and patted Liu Meihua on the shoulder and said, "Meihua, I won't let them go this time without you. , I want to use Liu Youcai's blood to pay tribute to my parents."

"Hey hey hey...Liu Shuyu, don't get excited, now in a legal society, you can no longer use the old methods to deal with people.

If you want revenge, you just need to put them in jail. Sometimes death is not the most painful, but it is the most painful that makes life worse than death. "

"Ayu Xiaoxiao is right, we just do what she says."

Liu Shuyu saw the deep concern in Liu Meihua's eyes and said, "Okay."

After hearing Liu Shuyu's words, Liu Meihua breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Xiao Xiao, can you tell the things you know clearly from beginning to end?"

"Of course there is no problem."

After more than half an hour, I finally finished talking about the whole thing. When I picked up the cup on the table with a dry mouth and was about to take a sip of water, I saw Liu Meihua pat the table vigorously, and then stood up suddenly and frightened. I almost threw the cup on my hand.

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