Chapter 236 Solution (fourteen)

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Everyone whispered to each other after hearing what Director Liu said. Although their discussion was quiet, they could still tell from the words and phrases that they were satisfied with the punishment that Director Chen had given.

"I don't want to go to the big jail. Why do you want me to go to the big jail? It's not that I want to report, it was someone who asked me to go." Liu Honghong yelled incoherently when he heard that he was going to go to the big prison .

"Liu Honghong, stop talking nonsense, do you want to put your fault on others, so that you can escape the punishment of squatting in prison." Liu Meihua looked at Liu Honghong and said with disdain.

"I didn't. It was Zhang Xiaoling and Chen Zhaodi's idea. They found me staring resentfully at you and Lu Xiaoxiao doing those things to Ayu by the river, and they gave me the idea of ​​reporting, saying so. Then you two can go to prison.

I didn't believe what they said at first, until they told me that the reason they gave me this idea was to retaliate against Lu Xiaoxiao, because Lu Xiaoxiao didn't agree with them when it rained. "

Everyone believed Liu Honghong's words, because now the group of educated youths still live in the pig farm.

"Captain Liu, please find someone to find the two people mentioned in Liu Honghong's mouth."

After hearing Director Chen's words, the team leader asked the three women to bring Chen Zhaodi and Zhang Xiaoling over to the pig farm, and told them not to reveal a word to the two of what happened on the drying farm.

Half an hour later, the three women led Chen Zhaodi and Zhang Xiaoling towards the Shaiguchang.

Zhang Xiaoling had a bad premonition when the three women approached her. She was unable to ask any useful information from the three women in various ways along the way, which made her feel more uneasy.

It wasn't until she came to Shaiguchang that she understood the reason why she would be brought here, and she was shocked.

"Director Chen, the one in blue is Chen Zhaodi, and the other in fancy dress is Zhang Xiaoling." The captain said.

"Chen Zhaodi and Zhang Xiaoling, do you two know why you are called here today?" Director Chen stared at the two in front of him and said.

"I don't know." The two replied in unison.

Chen Zhaodi really didn't know why he was called here, but Zhang Xiaoling had guessed why, but she knew that she absolutely couldn't say know at this moment.

"Since you two don't know, let Liu Honghong tell you."

After hearing Director Chen’s words, Liu Honghong immediately spoke: "Brother Chen Zhao, Xiaoling Zhang, it was you two who made me go to the county to report Lu Xiaoxiao and the others. Now this report, Director Chen, has been found to be false. Go to prison."

Chen Zhaodi was shocked by the three words squatting in prison. If Zhang Xiaoling hadn't held her hand in time, she would have been sitting on the ground with soft legs.

"Liu Honghong, you can't talk nonsense. My brother Zhao and I didn't know you at all, so how could we give you such a harmful idea." Zhang Xiaoling said pitifully.

"Zhang Xiaoling, what do you mean by this? Now you don't want to admit that you made the idea, right?" Liu Honghong roared at Zhang Xiaoling with a look of resentment.

"Liu Honghong, I didn't bring up that idea with my brother, how can you let us admit it?" Zhang Xiaoling's eyes were reddish, and she said with tears. She was so pitiful to be bullied.

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