Chapter 270

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Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the crying Master Dao and frowned, then she looked at Zhang Xu and asked, "Are you sure that the monkey is dead?"

"Not sure, but the chance of surviving is not more than one percent, because no one has ever been caught by Stephen and is still alive."

"Tomorrow I will see Stephen. Whether the monkey is alive or dead, we must rescue him from Stephen." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu and said firmly.

"I don't agree with you to see Stephen tomorrow, he already knows you are mine."

"Then do you have a better way?"

Zhang Xu was silent when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. He could do it, but doing so is likely to kill several brothers, so he has never taken action.

"Zhang Xu, you can rest assured to let me go, even if Stephen is dangerous, but he is certainly not so vigilant when facing a child, so it is best to use my side as a breakthrough."

Zhang Xu frowned tightly after hearing what the little girl said. His head is now fighting between heaven and man, and reason tells him that he should let the little girl go. This is the breakthrough that can minimize the loss at present, but his selfish desires Don't want the little girl to take risks.

Half an hour later Zhang Xu looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with red eyes and said, "I can agree to you to see Stephen tomorrow, but you have to promise me one thing."

"whats the matter?"

"Once you find a danger, you must immediately find a way to evacuate."

"I promise you."

"Master Dao, your mood is very unstable. You should not take part in this mission. You should go back and rest for a while and adjust your state." Zhang Xu patted Master Dao on the shoulder and said.

"Brother Xu, I don't need to rest, I want to rescue the monkey with you."

"Go home and rest. I plan to use strange faces as the manpower for this mission. You have been seen by Stephen's people."

"Brother Xu, I won't go back. I don't need to participate in this mission, but I have to stay here and watch you rescue the monkey so that I can feel at ease."

"Okay, in a while you go to open a room, and try not to walk around if you have nothing to do. After all, Stephen and his men are in this restaurant. If you are discovered by them, the monkey desperately sent you out will become meaningless.

At 8 o'clock the next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao neatly nodded to Zhang Xu and walked out of the room. She took the elevator down to the first floor and walked towards the restaurant.

When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the restaurant, she saw Stephen sitting there eating like a dog, but instead of walking to Stephen, she found a table five or six meters away from him and sat down.

"Excuse me, what would you like to eat?" Lu Xiaoxiao just sat down with a waiter and came over to order her food.

"A sandwich and a glass of milk."

"It's three dollars in total."

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard the waiter say the price, he handed her the money.

"Please wait a moment, your meal will be delivered to you in a while."

After Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the back of the waiter leaving, she just wanted to turn her head to look at Stephen, but before she turned her head, Stephen’s familiar voice came from her ear: "Little angel, you Why don't you say hello to me when you come, have you forgotten the agreement three days ago?"

"Mr. Stephen, I didn't see you when I came to the restaurant, so I didn't say hello to you." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Stephen innocently and said.

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