Chapter 287

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After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the hotel, she took the clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. She felt uncomfortable after she came out of the prison just now. If it weren't for the formula, she would have gone back to the hotel to take a shower.

After Lu Xiaoxiao took a shower, she checked that it was more than 12 noon, so she picked up the phone on the table and called the catering department to order a meal.

After the meal was delivered, Lu Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa and started eating. Halfway through her meal, she heard the door knocked. She put down her chopsticks and got up to open the door and saw Zhang Xu standing. The door of the room.

"Why did you come back so soon?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked as he walked into the house.

"I just hand in the things, and I don't need to take care of the rest." Zhang Xu said after sitting on the sofa.

"You haven't had lunch yet!"


"What do you want to eat, I'll call for you one."

"Just like you."

After Lu Xiaoxiao finished lunch, Zhang Xu's food was delivered. She looked at Zhang Xu who was drinking the soup and said, "What sentence will Master Dao be sentenced to?"

"death penalty."

"So heavy?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu in surprise and asked.

"Before it was not so heavy. Now, as long as China's form is contaminated with treason, it is all death penalty."

"What about Stephen? Is it sent back to his country?"

"Stephen has seen the recipe, so it is impossible to send him back to his country, he can only be handled secretly."

"Then the lives on his body and his mother can't be left alone."

"The organization has sent someone to report Stephen anonymously, and then sent all the evidence collected to law enforcement officials in his country."

"I hope they can bury them after finding the bodies of those girls."

"Will do."

After lunch, Zhang Xu went out again. Lu Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa freely and took out the photos Stephen gave her. After reading the photos again, she threw them all into the trash can.

Although Lu Xiaoxiao likes these photos very much, seeing them will remind her of Stephen, and then think of those things Stephen did, so even if she likes them again, she will not stay.

Looking at the photos in the trash can, Lu Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of a sentence she had heard: No matter how cruel a person is, there is a softness in his heart, but that softness is buried by his sin.

Lu Xiaoxiao thought that the only softness in Stephen's heart should be his filial piety to his mother, although this filial piety had become distorted.

At nine o'clock in the evening, when Lu Xiaoxiao was about to go back to the house to sleep, she heard that the door had been opened, and she was relieved when she saw that Zhang Xu came in.

"Have you had dinner?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked, looking at Zhang Xu.


"Then you have to go out soon?"

"No, the task has been executed. Tomorrow I will take you around the sea market."

Lu Xiaoxiao thought to herself that she had secretly gone out to stroll through the sea market, but she didn't dare to tell the story, so she said to Zhang Xu, "Okay."

"It's late now, go back to the house and go to sleep."

"good night."

"good night."

Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the room and entered the space. She took out all the things she had bought at the No. 1 Department Store and looked at it. Then she thought about what to buy tomorrow, and went out to sleep.

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