Chapter 383 dogs look down on people (2)

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You can search in Baidu for the latest chapter of "there is space for literary orphans in the era of rebirth (imbg. CC)"!Lu Xiaoxiao finished the roast duck and went back to the hotel with Zhang Xu. When she came to the door of her room, she was almost scared to death by the battle in front of her. No wonder the two little sisters at the front desk looked at her with strange eyes just now."Blood moon, what the hell are you doing?" Lu Xiaoxiao roared at blood moon after glancing at more than 20 people in black clothes and trousers blocked at the door of her room."I didn't do anything. I just brought them to let you untie the Dantian." XueYue said in an innocent tone."Do you need to wear the same clothes as the social elder brother to untie Dantian?" Lu Xiaoxiao said all the words of her previous world angrily."Although I don't know what you mean by social big brother, I really didn't do anything. They were wearing uniform clothes organized by blood evil."When Lu Xiaoxiao heard what XueYue said, the whole person froze. She didn't expect that the leader of xuesha organization thought so advanced. He not only unified the clothes for his men, but also chose such imposing clothes for his men, which was really the same as her social elder brother in her previous life."Come into the room with me. I'll help you solve the sealed Dantian now." Lu Xiaoxiao said powerlessly to the group of people standing in the corridor."Lu Xiaoxiao, don't forget to let my people see how you untie Dantian." XueYue shouted to Lu Xiaoxiao who entered the room."Come in and sign the agreement. Naturally, your people will come in and see."When XueYue heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she went into the room, took the agreement handed to him by Lu Xiaoxiao, read it again, found that there was no problem, signed the names of the two agreements, and handed one of them to Lu Xiaoxiao."Now you can let my people in.""Yes.""Are you three people sent by XueYue to learn from me how to unlock the sealed Dantian?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the arrogant three people and asked."That's right." Mulin replied proudly.Lu Xiaoxiao looked back at the person with her problem, then sneered in his heart and said to XueYue sitting on the sofa, "you can let the three of them leave. Don't say they learned with their attitude. I guess they can't understand.""Fart, we can't understand what it means. You haven't been reborn when the three of us gave acupuncture treatment." Mulin shouted angrily at Lu Xiaoxiao."Since you are so powerful, you can untie their Dantian directly. Why come to me?" Lu Xiaoxiao said, looking at the three people mockingly.Mulin three people trembled with anger after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. They really wanted to leave now, but they thought of coming. At this time, after the old leader explained to them, they choked and swallowed all their anger in their stomach."Lu Xiaoxiao, don't worry about them like Mulin. I think you can kill them directly with your walking hand, so you can show your real skills to shut them up."Lu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows after hearing XueYue's words. She knew that XueYue's words seemed to be for her good, but she knew that XueYue's words were not kind at all.But XueYue is right. If you can directly defeat the other party with your strength, don't waste time with him."You arrange for someone to come over. Now I'll let those old people who can't be any older see what it means that the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the front waves are shot dead on the beach."

There is room for an orphan in the rebirth era 2Where stories live. Discover now