Chapter 353 Strange Village (5)

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Er Biao nodded in satisfaction when seeing Lu Xiaoxiao and the others obediently, and then said: "Now I will take you back to your room."

Ten minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao came to a room made of stone. She glanced at the door locked by Er Biao and curled her lips. She wondered if the door could bear her foot.

"Xiaoxiao, come and sleep quickly, otherwise you can't sleep if you want to sleep in the middle of the night." Xie Min reminded Lu Xiaoxiao who was standing there in a daze.

After hearing Xie Min’s words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at her in confusion, and then asked: "What is the noise outside at night? Just now Er Biao said that I heard the outside sound and ignore it. You said that I heard the outside sound. I can’t sleep with my voice, I’m really curious, can you tell me now?"

Xie Min shook her head when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then said, "I don't know how to say it. If you really want to know, don't sleep tonight."

When Lu Xiaoxiao saw Xie Min, she really didn't want to talk, so she didn't let her talk any more, but asked her a different question.

"Xie Min, do you remember how you got here by someone?"

Xie Min was in a daze when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. After a while, she said, "I don't know how I got here, because I woke up and people are here, but I know This must have something to do with my stepmother."

"Then how long have you been here?"

"Two years."

"How about Qiao Yue and others?"

"They came three months earlier than me." Xie Min glanced at Qiao Yue who was already sleeping and said.

"Have you never tried to escape?"

"I ran, but I couldn't get out at all. Everyone in this village is very skilled. They will find us as soon as we get close to the entrance of the village."

"Then you have been locked in this room for the past two years except playing with Xiao Biao?"

"No, I told you that we have to go to Granny Cai to draw blood every month."

"Why do they ask you to draw blood every month?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Xie Min and asked curiously.

"I don't know. In short, we have to go to Granny Cai's house to draw blood every month for the past two years."

Lu Xiaoxiao frowned when she heard Xie Min's words, and then she went to Xie Min and picked up her hand to get her pulse.

After Lu Xiaoxiao helped Xie Min get the pulse, she went to Qiao Yue and Chen Yuan to get the pulse. She developed Xie Min's three people except for anemia and physical weakness, but there were no other problems. Lu Xiaoxiao really couldn't figure out why those people. Xie Min's blood must be drawn.

"Xie Min, how many days before your next blood draw?"

"Three days."

"Then I will go to draw blood with you this time?"

"do not know."

"Xie Min, do you have the courage to escape with me?" Lu Xiaoxiao whispered in Xie Min's ear.

"Yes, I want to get out from here in my dreams."

"Aren't you afraid of being caught by them again?"

"I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that life is better than death."

After hearing Xie Min's words, Lu Xiaoxiao patted her on the shoulder and said, "I will take you out."

Xie Min smiled when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. She didn't believe that this girl younger than her could take her out of this hell on earth.

Seeing Xie Min's disbelief look, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't explain anything. The reason why she gave Xie Min's promise was entirely because of what she said: I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that life is better than death.

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