Chapter 229

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The old lady's eyes brightened when she heard the meat, and she said excitedly: "Girl, do you have meat to change?"

Seeing how the old lady looked at this moment, I knew that things were about to be done, so she said: "Grandma, I have a catty of pork belly here. I can give you this meat directly without changing it."

The old lady frowned when she heard this. She is not an ignorant old lady. She still knows that there is no free lunch in this world, so she didn't immediately agree.

"Girl doll, what purpose do you have?"

It seems that this is a clever old lady who hasn't been blinded by benefits, but it's easier to deal with such clever people, because you don't need to say everything, just a few random sentences will understand the meaning of both parties.

"Grandma, my dad wanted to ask Secretary Chen for something, but couldn't find a way out. Yesterday I accidentally learned that Secretary Chen's mother was not in good health, so I wanted to find out what disease she was ill with."

The old lady breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. No one in the compound knew about Secretary Chen's mother, so it didn't matter to tell the little girl.

"Secretary Chen's mother was not actually ill. She blocked a knife for Secretary Chen a few years ago. She bleeds too much and caused anemia and Qi deficiency, so it looks like she is seriously ill."

"Have you not made up for so many years?"

"It's not so easy to make up for a woman's excessive blood loss. What's more, Secretary Chen's mother was in her sixties when she was injured, and it is even more difficult to make up for it."

After learning the desired news from the old lady, he took out a pound of pork belly wrapped in oil paper from the bag and handed it to the old lady.

The old lady took the oil-paper bag and opened it and glanced at it. After seeing the fat and good pork belly bread in the oil-paper, her smile narrowed her eyes.

She quickly re-wrapped the oil paper and put it in the basket, and then said: "Secretary Chen has been looking for ginseng for a hundred years." After saying this, she left without looking back.

Heh... This old lady is really interesting. If she is not satisfied with the meat she just gave, she won't say it, right?

After coming out of the gate of the compound, he walked towards Secretary Chen's work place, but he was stopped by the guard just as he walked to the gate of the building.

Hey, it seems to be waiting at the door again.

At 11 o'clock at noon, I saw Secretary Chen pushing a Phoenix bicycle towards the door, so he immediately whispered in front of him: "I have a century-old ginseng."

Secretary Chen, who was pushing the car, heard this and squeezed the handlebars of the bicycle with both hands with excitement. After a few seconds, he said, "Come with me."

After following Secretary Chen for five or six minutes, he came to an alley with no one. Secretary Chen parked the car and said, "How do you know that I need 100-year-old ginseng?"

"It's not a secret at all. You can find out if you ask anyone around the compound."

Secretary Chen felt choked in his throat when he heard this. This little girl named Lu Xiaoxiao was right. It was really no secret that he needed a hundred years of ginseng.

"You are Lu Xiaoxiao, one of the parties involved in the report."

"It's hard for Secretary Chen to remember me as an insignificant little person."

"Do you really have a century-old ginseng in your hand?"

"Yes, and only a lot more years."

"Then do you bring ginseng with you now?"

"Naturally take it with me, otherwise how dare I come to Secretary Chen."

"Since you have brought ginseng with you, then go with me to a person for identification. If the ginseng is really more than a hundred years old, we will talk about the next thing."

"it is good."

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