Chapter 307 Ending (5)

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Director Chen glanced at the tied-up Liu Youcai before he opened his mouth to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Do you know who sews that doll?"

"Lu Xiaoxiao, I beg you to stop talking. If you are angry, come at me. I have no complaints if you want to kill or strike." Liu Youcai looked at Lu Xiaoxiao imploringly.

"Liu Youcai, do you think it's rare for me to do something to you? As long as you know that from the time you framed me, I didn't intend to let you go."

"I know I was wrong, I damn it, I should go down to eighteen levels of hell, Lu Xiaoxiao, I..."

Lu Xiaoxiao didn’t want to entangle with Liu Youcai anymore, so she spoke to Director Chen: “If I’m not mistaken, this doll is made by Liu Youcai’s daughter Liu Honghong. You only need to find a dress made by Liu Honghong and compare it. We can know if Liu Honghong did that doll."

"Lu Xiaoxiao, you must not must not die..."

Lu Xiaoxiao heard Liu Youcai's words and replied: "You can't see how I will die, but I know exactly how you will die." After saying this, Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards Liu Meihua. .

"Xiaoxiao, your kick just now was really domineering." Liu Meihua said excitedly when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao.

"My skills are just a little bit of carving, and I can only use it to deal with people like Liu Youcai. If I meet someone more powerful, I won't be able to kick someone."

Liu Meihua heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words and immediately said, "It is already very powerful to deal with people like Liu Youcai."

Lu Xiaoxiao only smiled faintly when she heard Liu Meihua's words, and then she looked at Liu Shuyu and said, "Do you want to tell Liu Youcai's chicken raising in the mountains now?"

Liu Shuyu shook his head when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he said, "This matter is enough to kill Liu Youcai, so Liu Youcai's raising chickens in the mountains doesn't have much to do with it. I plan to Tonight, Shan killed all the chickens raised by Liu Youcai to make cured chickens, and then took them to the black market in the county to exchange for money."

"Since you have decided, just do it, but you have to be careful when you go up the mountain at night."

"I know."

After Lu Xiaoxiao and Liu Shuyu finished talking, she went home.

When she came home, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that it was already three thirty in the afternoon. No wonder she heard a grunting in her stomach just now on the way home.

Lu Xiaoxiao took out a piece of braised chicken rice from the space and sat on the kang and started eating.

After eating, Lu Xiaoxiao began to tidy up the house. Although the captain had told them to make their movements as light as possible when they searched the house before, even if their movements were lighter, they would still turn the house in a mess.

An hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao finally cleaned up the house. She looked at the restored house and smiled and went into the space to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Lu Xiaoxiao dried her hair and went out of the space. She saw that the sky had darkened and then locked the door of the house and walked towards the bullpen.

Lu Xiaoxiao came to the cowshed and heard that several masters were talking about the delicious pastries she brought from the sea market, so she opened the door and walked into the house and said, "I think the best thing is crab yellow shell."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, General Xie immediately said: "Look, I said the crab yellow shell is the best. Sure enough, Xiao girl and I belong to the family, and even the things I like to eat are the same as me."

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