Chapter 321 Xiongxiangxi (3)

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Zhang Xu glanced at the little girl's surprised expression and said, "You probably haven't forgotten what I do."

After hearing Zhang Xu’s words, Lu Xiaoxiao instantly understood why those people were now calculating to inherit Zhang Xu’s property, and also understood why those people were afraid that Zhang Xu would recognize her as his sister. They were afraid of Zhang Xu’s affection. Give her all the property.

"Zhang Xu, you probably didn't plan to leave the property to me." Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhang Xu and said with a smile.

"I have made a will. If I have an accident, you will inherit all the property under my name." Zhang Xu looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and said seriously.

Lu Xiaoxiao's smile froze when she heard Zhang Xu's words. After a while, she said, "You should be joking with me."


Hearing Zhang Xu's answer, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately stood up and walked to Zhang Xu and said, "Zhang Xu, don't hurt me. You will change the will in a while."

Zhang Xu smiled at the little girl's frowning look and said: "It is impossible to change, but if I have been alive, you don't have to inherit my property."

" can definitely live a long time. After all, you are a scourge for thousands of years. Although you are not a scourge, you are a scourge in my eyes for the will."

Zhang Xu shook his head helplessly when he heard the little girl's words, but the little girl was right when she said something. He will definitely live a long time, at least longer than those who want to harm him all day.

"Zhang Xu, why haven't you reported so much property under your name?" Lu Xiaoxiao just wanted to ask this question.

"The property under my name is divided into two parts. The part that is displayed on the surface is only the salary. As for the other part is my inheritance, only a small part of the Zhang family knows about this inheritance, and they only know about the inheritance. But I don't know how much the estate is and where it is hidden, because when I announced my mother's will, I only got a key.

Someone in the Zhang family once forced me to hand over the inheritance. Otherwise, they would report me. I asked him to report it directly. Anyway, my mother only left a key for me and never mentioned the inheritance.

In addition, when my maternal grandfather gave up all his assets to the country when he abandoned business and became a military officer, I am even more afraid of them reporting. "

"So that's the case, do you know where the legacy is?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"Now start to inquire about the whereabouts of the inheritance. It seems that you are ready to inherit my property." Zhang Xu said, looking at Lu Xiaoxiao with a playful look.

"Who wants to inherit your property, I'm just curious." After Lu Xiaoxiao said this, she thought silently in her heart that the inheritance might not be as much as hers.

"Legacy is in Ruixing."

"The people in your grandfather's family have more brains than the people in your grandfather's family. If it weren't for your grandfather's family is a single pass, the family development must be many times stronger than the Zhang family.

It's not that I deliberately belittle the Zhang family, it's that your grandfather and your grandfather's offspring behaved too ugly today, and the Zhang family will definitely decline if it continues like this within a hundred years.

"I think so."

"Didn't you inherit half of it from your maternal ancestor, just leave the Zhang family directly, change to your maternal ancestor's surname, and then use your maternal ancestor's leftovers to revive your maternal ancestor's family.

After you revive your maternal grandfather's home, take a good-natured daughter-in-law and have ten or eight children, then... "

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