Chapter 345 Kidnapping (3)

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Zhang Xu nodded when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then said, "The treasure map was obtained by my great-grandfather accidentally. According to rumors, you can find the treasure house of the previous dynasty by following the route on the treasure map. "

"Then did your grandfather follow the route on the map to find the treasure house?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"I have been there. In order to verify whether the rumors are true, my great-grandfather sent dozens of people to look for them according to the route of the treasure map, but no wave of people found the rumored treasure house, because Following the route of that treasure map, the end point is a sea."

"What about after that? Did your grandfather give up?"

"Give up, because it costs a lot to find a treasure house. My great-grandfather didn't have that much money to spend on finding a treasure house that might not exist.

But maybe he hoped that someone from his descendants would look for the treasure house again, so he put the treasure map together with the family's inheritance, and then passed it down from generation to generation. "

"How did the people who killed your mother know that your mother has a treasure map?"

"It was revealed by my grandpa’s servant. When she passed by my grandpa’s study, she heard that my mother and my grandpa were discussing the treasure map in the study. She went home and told her family about it. Up.

No one thought that someone in her family would know a little leader of that power, so that the leader of that power knew that my mother had a treasure map. "

"So in order to get the treasure map, the leader combined your grandfather's family to poison your mother, and then forced your mother to hand over the treasure map, but your mother refused to hand over the treasure map to the death, and finally died of poison." Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu and said.


After hearing Zhang Xu's answer, Lu Xiaoxiao patted her right hand on the table vigorously, and then said angrily: "Your grandfather's family is really inferior to pigs and dogs, with human faces and animals."

Zhang Xu looked at the little girl’s angry appearance, his previously depressed mood improved a little, he reached out and pulled the little girl to sit down beside him, and then said: “There is no need to be angry with those people, they will one day Will pay a painful price for what they do."

"You are right, but I will definitely help you collect some interest from the Zhang family before returning to the village." Lu Xiaoxiao said coldly.

"Don't act rashly, there is someone from that force in the Zhang family."

"Place it in," Lu Xiaoxiao said dismissively.

Zhang Xu looked at the little girl like that and knew she didn't listen to him. It seemed that he had to tell the little girl about it.

"Little girl, that force is not as simple as you think. According to my investigation, the people in them are all cultivating ancient martial arts. I have seen one of them who can pick up bullets with bare hands."

Lu Xiaoxiao showed a surprised expression when she heard Zhang Xu's words. She was not surprised that someone could catch the bullet with bare hands. She was surprised that there are so many people practicing ancient martial arts in this world. She originally thought she was the only one in this world. Practice ancient martial arts.

Zhang Xu saw the surprised expression of the little girl, and thought that now that she knew how powerful the force was, she should not act rashly anymore.

What Zhang Xu didn’t know was that Lu Xiaoxiao hadn’t planned to contact that power now, but now she knew that the power turned out to be a cultivator of ancient martial arts, so she planned to go to Zhangjiahui tomorrow to meet people from that power. See if the Guwu they practiced is the same as hers.

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