Chapter 295 Danger is Coming (1)

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After Lu Xiaoxiao heard the captain's words, she gave him a thumbs up, and then she said, "Uncle, you are so amazing. After so many years, you can still eat the cakes of No.1 Department Store in one bite."

"Hehe...that's the pastry sold in the first department store. I can only eat it without changing the taste."

Lu Xiaoxiao chatted with them at the captain's house for half an hour and then went home. When she got home, she checked the time at 10:30, so she planned to visit Liu Meihua's house.

Lu Xiaoxiao took out the big red dress for Liu Meihua and a piece of pastry from the kang cabinet and walked towards her house.

"Button button... button button... are you at home?"

"I'm at home, I'll open the door right away."

After Liu Meihua opened the door and saw Lu Xiaoxiao standing at the door, she immediately shouted excitedly: "Xiaoxiao, are you back from the sea market?"

"Well, I arrived yesterday afternoon."

"Hurry up and come in, I have too many things to tell you."

After Lu Xiaoxiao followed Liu Meihua into the house, she handed her clothes and pastries to Liu Meihua, then she looked at Liu Meihua and said, "Sister Meihua, this is the red dress you asked me to buy for you. Do you like it?"

After Liu Meihua opened the clothes Lu Xiaoxiao handed her and took a look, she immediately picked it up and placed it in front of her to make gestures.

After making gestures for a while, Liu Meihua gently folded her clothes on the kang, and then she looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiao Xiao, this dress you bought is really beautiful. I have never seen it before. Thank you so much for clothes with such a correct color."

"Sister Meihua likes it."

"How much is this dress for Xiao Xiao?"

"12 yuan."

"So cheap?" Liu Meihua looked at Lu Xiaoxiao in disbelief.


Liu Meihua jumped up happily after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's affirmation, and then she immediately rushed into the house and took twelve dollars and handed it to Lu Xiaoxiao.

Lu Xiaoxiao accepted the money Liu Meihua handed over and said: "Sister Meihua, didn't you just say you have a lot to tell me?"

"Xiao Xiao, you almost forgot if you didn't remind me. I'll tell you that Ayu and I discovered a big secret about Liu Youcai." Liu Meihua whispered into Lu Xiaoxiao's ear.

Lu Xiaoxiao immediately became interested when she heard Liu Meihua's words, so she said: "Sister Meihua, tell me what the secret is."

"Liu Youcai actually kept chickens secretly in the mountains."

"How did you know?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked, looking at Liu Meihua.

"I didn't find it, but Ayu found it."

"Does Liu Shuyu often follow Liu Youcai?"

"How did you know Xiaoxiao?" Liu Meihua asked Lu Xiaoxiao astonished.

"If Liu Shuyu didn't follow Liu Youcai often, it would be impossible for him to discover Liu Youcai's big secret."

Liu Meihua nodded when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then said: "Why didn't I expect it before? No wonder Ayu said I was stupid."

"Did I ever hit you during the time I went to the sea market?"

"No, during the time you went to Haishi, Liu Youcai, except for going to the farm to see Liu Honghong and going to the mountains to feed the chickens, the rest of the time he stayed at home."

After Lu Xiaoxiao heard Liu Meihua’s words, she did not relax at all, but she became even more worried. In her opinion, Liu Youcai must be silently holding the big move in her heart, and Liu Youcai must be trying to give them a pot straight away. .

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