Chapter 244 Retaliation (7)

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The captain came out of the room during lunch. He saw Lu Xiaoxiao sitting at the table and said, "Xiaoxiao is here."

"I came here when I wanted to eat the meal made by my aunt. Don't despise me, Uncle." Lu Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"Come over if you want to eat in the future, don't be polite with Uncle."

"Then I will come here often from now on."

Aunt Cauliflower laughed when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words: "I'm still afraid that you girl won't come."

"Hey... I was so shy before, but I won't be anymore."

After lunch, the captain told everyone except Aunt Cauliflower and Lu Xiaoxiao out of the house. He took a sip of water and said, "Xiaoxiao, you must be careful of Liu Youcai from now on."

"Uncle, what do you mean?"

"Chen Zhaodi and Zhang Xiaoling had an accident."

After Lu Xiaoxiao heard this, she felt a little frustrated. She immediately said, "Uncle, can you tell me everything from departure to return?"

The captain nodded and said: "Yesterday, Liu Youcai and I sent Liu Honghong and the others to the farm. They were supposed to be back in the afternoon, but somehow the tire of the car was cut, so we had to stay on the farm. one night.

When I was sleeping in the middle of the night, I suddenly heard Chen Zhaodi's heartbreaking shouts, so the driver who lived in the same room and I got out of bed and ran towards the house where she lived.

After the driver slammed the door open, I saw Chen Zhaodi and Zhang Xiaoling crying while holding the quilt, and there was a man who was wearing nothing lying between them.

Because the matter was too serious, I asked Chen Zhaodi and the others to put on their clothes first, then woke up the man with the driver, and tied him to the person in charge of the farm.

When we found the person in charge of the farm, we knew that the man was not from the farm. Later, after several interrogations, we learned that the man was a loyal son in a village near the farm.

When we interrogated him why he appeared in the house of Chen Zhaodi and the others, he said that he was knocked out and he did not remember what happened just now.

Since Laizi had no evidence to prove that what he said was true, we sent him to the bureau for hooliganism.

After solving this matter, neither the driver nor I wanted to stay longer at the farm, so we called Liu Youcai back. "

"Uncle, then why do you suspect that this is related to Liu Youcai?"

"Since the accident, Liu Youcai hasn't been there, and the two people involved are related to Liu Honghong's going to the farm. Also, Liu Zhaodi and Zhang Xiaoling didn't know anything when they arrived at the farm, so no one would come to harm them."

After listening to the captain’s words, Lu Xiaoxiao felt cold. This Liu Youcai is really ruthless. His plan directly ruined the reputation of Chen Zhaodi and Zhang Xiaoling on the farm, so that they would not be well in the future. The days are over.

"Uncle, I will be careful of Liu Youcai from now on."

"Well, you just have to know it."

"Uncle, I am going to the sea market tomorrow. Within a month, you can open a letter of introduction for me."

"Why do you suddenly want to go to the sea market? I can't worry about going there alone. This letter of introduction cannot be opened for you."

"I went with an older brother, who was the child of my dad's friend, and he took me to play.

"You will bring people to me tomorrow, and I will decide whether to help you after seeing them."

Lu Xiaoxiao was speechless after hearing the captain's words, but knew that he did it out of concern, so she nodded in agreement.

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