Chapter 222 Investigation (2)

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After more than ten minutes, I saw the captain walking towards the Shaigu Field with three or four people. You don't need to think about the few people behind the captain who are in charge of the investigation.

When the captain brought a few people to the center of the Shai Valley Field, he waved toward us and said, "You guys come here, I will introduce you to these leaders."

After hearing the captain's words, we walked towards the captain. When the captain saw someone coming over, he immediately introduced: "This is Director Chen, please say hello to Director Chen."

"Hello, Director Chen."

"Well, are you guys related to the reported matter?" Director Chen asked.

"Director Chen, if you are talking about saving people by the river yesterday, then we are the parties involved."

"Since you are the parties, let's talk about what happened yesterday." Director Chen asked the people behind him to ask us separately after saying this.

Half an hour later, Director Chen came to us again. He cleared his throat and said: "I already know what happened. Yesterday we received a report about someone playing hooliganism in public. What do you have? I want to say."

"Director Chen, my name is Lu Xiaoxiao, can I ask the reporter what he meant by hooligans in public?"

"Countless mouth to mouth."

Liu Meihua and Liu Shuyu blushed with shame when they heard Director Chen's words. At this moment, they had forgotten the words they had arranged before.

After seeing their reaction at the moment, Lu Xiaoxiao had to speak to Director Chen again: "Director Chen, if the person who reported the matter said this, it is not a hooligan.

First of all, Comrade Liu Meihua and Comrade Liu Shuyu were originally unmarried couples with a marriage contract, so Comrade Liu Meihua’s mouth-to-mouth air pressure to Comrade Liu Shuyu cannot be said to be a hooligan.

Second, Comrade Liu Meihua and I gave him artificial respiration and chest compressions yesterday to save Comrade Liu Shuyu. This is a first aid method, so it is not a hooliganism. "

After hearing these words, Director Chen was silent for a while and said: "I have never heard of the first aid method you said. Where did you learn it?"

"I learned this first aid method from a doctor in a hospital in Beijing. I think there must be a doctor in the county hospital who knows about this first aid method. Director Chen can send someone to ask."

"In this case, today's investigation will be here first, and we will come to you after we go back to find out if there are the two first aid methods you mentioned."

Looking at the back of the captain and the investigation team, Liu Meihua said, "Xiao Xiao, I was really sorry just now."

"It's okay, you didn't mean it, but I heard an important message from Director Chen's words today, that is, the person who reported this time was directed at both of you, so you should think about whether you have offended anything recently. people."

"Liu Meihua and Liu Shuyu thought for a while, but they didn't realize that they had any enemies with whom, so they shook their heads in mourning."

"Since you don't think of it, don't think about it. Good and evil will eventually be repaid. Heaven is a reincarnation. If you don't believe it, look up and see who is spared by the sky, so that person cannot escape.

"Xiao Xiao, you are right. Even if we don't clean up him, God won't let him go. Who makes him so dark is always thinking about harming others."

After Liu Shuyu heard what Liu Meihua said, he nodded in agreement, and then said: "That person will definitely get evil."

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