Chapter 324 Compensation (2)

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When Lu Xiaoxiao got out of the car, she followed Zhang Xu into Quanjude. When she entered Quanju, she saw that the decoration inside was similar to that of Quanju in her original world, except that the Quanju of her original world was added. Many modern elements have gone in, and this one now has a sense of history.

Lu Xiaoxiao followed Zhang Xu into a private room. After she sat down, she saw Zhang Xu handing her the menu he had on hand. After receiving the menu, she said, "Did you not order the food first when you made the reservation?"

"Ordered a roast duck."

"That's enough. It's not good to eat too much at night." After speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao put the menu aside.

"it is good."

After more than ten minutes, the waiter brought the sliced ​​roast duck. Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhang Xu and saw that he had already picked up a pie crust and wrapped the roast duck, so she immediately reached out and picked up a pie crust and began to wrap the roast duck. .

"Give you."

Lu Xiaoxiao, who was wrapping roast duck, saw Zhang Xu handing her the roast duck he had just wrapped, so she said, "You eat it yourself, I'm about to wrap this one."

"Open your mouth."

"Ah..." Lu Xiaoxiao reflexively opened her mouth when she heard Zhang Xu's words. When she felt Zhang Xu stuffing the wrapped roast duck into her mouth, it was obviously too late for her to close her mouth. .

After Lu Xiaoxiao finished eating the roast duck that Zhang Xu stuffed into her mouth, she said: "Zhang Xu, you can wrap it and eat it yourself. I don't need you to help me wrap it."

"it is good."

For the next half an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao kept eating and eating in the bag. She took out the handkerchief from the bag and wiped her mouth and hands until she finished eating the last piece of duck bone in her hand. clean.

Seeing that the little girl had finished eating, Zhang Xu poured a cup of tea and handed it to her, then asked, "Have you been full?"

Lu Xiaoxiao took a sip of the tea that Zhang Xu handed over, and then said, "I'm full."

"I will send you back to the state-owned hotel when you are full. You will rest early today. You will not only go to the Public Security Bureau tomorrow, but also pay homage to your parents. If you don't rest tonight, you will be spiritless tomorrow."

"it is good."

After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the room, she went into the room to take a shower. She sneered at the thought of going to the police station tomorrow. If tomorrow she didn’t tidy up the two people who occupied the house, she would be embarrassed. Go to worship the parents in the yard.

At 8:30 the next morning, as soon as Lu Xiaoxiao had packed up the things she was going to use today, she heard that the door of the room was knocked on. She thought that Zhang Xu must be here, so she took the key that was on the table and left. Go to the door of the room to open the door.

Lu Xiaoxiao opened the door and saw that it was Zhang Xu, so she said, "I have everything packed, and I can set off now."

After getting in the car, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu and said, "Do you know the result?"

"I don't know, but they will definitely be sentenced, because your parents are martyrs, and you are the only blood of a martyr. If the bureau does not sentence the couple to heavy sentences, it will be cold if this matter is spread to the army. The hearts of thousands of soldiers."

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded when she heard Zhang Xu's words, indicating that she understood.

After half an hour, the car stopped at the door of the Public Security Bureau. After Lu Xiaoxiao got out of the car, she followed Zhang Xu in.

After entering the Public Security Bureau, Zhang Xu walked to the door of an office. After knocking on the door several times, he pushed the door and walked in when he heard "please come in" from the room.

When Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Xu entering the office, she quickly followed him into the office.

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