Chapter 245 A Trip to the Sea City (1)

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After coming out of the captain's house, Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards Liu Meihua's house. She had to tell Liu Meihua what had happened on the farm, because Liu Youcai's vicious temper would never let her go.

"Sister Meihua, are you at home?" Lu Xiaoxiao knocked on the courtyard door and shouted.

"At home, I will open the door immediately."

Liu Meihua opened the courtyard door and asked Lu Xiaoxiao to talk in the room. Lu Xiaoxiao did not go in. She said, "Sister Meihua, do you have time now."

"I have time, what's the matter?"

"Then you go to Liu Shuyu with me now, I have very important things to tell you two."

When Lu Xiaoxiao came to Liu Shuyu's house, she asked Liu Meihua and Liu Shuyu to sit at the stone table, and then told them all what had happened on the farm.

Liu Meihua and Liu Shuyu were silent after listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words. After a while, Liu Shuyu said, "We will be careful, but it's better to find a way to get him to jail, otherwise he will always He found a chance to harm us."

"I also understand this, but it is not easy to get him in. He is not as simple as Liu Honghong and the others."

"You are right. If his mind is simple, I won't be ruined."

"Now, in addition to guarding him, we have to wait patiently until we have a chance to defeat him."

"Xiao Xiao, how long do you think it will take that opportunity to appear? It's really hard to get upset every day." Liu Meihua said sadly.

"It should appear soon, because Liu Youcai will not wait long before he will take action. Sister Meihua, you have to be very careful. I'm afraid Liu You will use the same trick to deal with Chen Zhaodi and the others."

Liu Meihua trembled when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. She quivered her lips and said, "Xiao Xiao, what should I do then? I'm so scared."

Liu Shuyu clenched his fists tightly when he saw Liu Meihua's appearance. If he still had a sense of reason, he really wanted to rush to Liu Youcai's house and kill him.

"Sister Meihua, as long as you don’t be alone and don’t go to places with few people, Liu Youcai will not be able to attack you, and you’d better not stay at home alone. If you are the only one in your house, you will come here. Liu Shuyu, you also have a marriage contract anyway, so don't be afraid that others will gossip."

"Meihua, just do what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and I will stay near you to protect you when I am fine." Liu Shuyu looked at Liu Meihua and said seriously.

Liu Meihua, who heard Liu Shuyu's words, nodded with a red cheek, and then she said: "Xiao Xiao, Liu Youcai will definitely deal with you too. Have you thought of any way to protect yourself?"

"I will go to the sea market tomorrow morning. It will take about a month or so to come back, so you don't have to worry about me.

"That's good, so Liu Youcai has no chance to harm you."

"If you and Liu Shuyu don't find a chance to defeat Liu Youcai this month, don't act rashly, wait for me to come back and think of a solution together."

"we know."

"Now that things are done, I will go home first."

"Wait for Xiaoxiao, I want to ask if you can buy me a cheap red dress if you see cheap red clothes when you go to the sea market this time." Liu Meihua asked with a shy face.

After Lu Xiaoxiao heard what she said, don’t look at Liu Shuyu intently, and then she said: “There is a second-hand market in Haishi. There are many defective products in it. The prices are very cheap. If you don’t mind if the clothes are a little bit small I can help you buy it there."

Liu Meihua said with surprise on her face when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words: "I don't mind, just trouble Xiaoxiao to buy one for me."

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