Chapter 362 Plan (3)

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After hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Xu only thought for a moment to understand the reason, and then he said to the little girl: "Are you sure you can make the medicine that so many people need in such a short time?"

"No problem, as long as you are in place, you can start immediately."

When Zhang Xu heard the little girl's words, he looked at Mu Mu and said, "Mu Mu, now you go and notify teams one to five to be on standby."


"Now let's discuss the action plan." After Lu Xiaoxiao said this, she took out the map that Granny Cai gave her from her pocket.

Zhang Xu and the monkey saw Lu Xiaoxiao take out a picture and spread it on the table. They walked over and looked at it. After a while, the monkey said loudly, "The layout of this village is really second, that is, the helicopter is flying over it. You may not be able to find it in the past."

Hearing the monkey's words, the panther immediately agreed: "They still have a natural barrier gas as a line of defense, and judging by the concentration of that barrier gas, it is probably not good to wear a gas mask."

Zhang Xu ignored the words of the monkeys and the black panthers. After reading the complete map, he asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Is this map real?"

Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu’s words and said: "This map was given to me by Granny Cai. I followed the directions on the map to escape from the mountain in the village, but Granny Cai told me that this map is Five years ago, some places may be a bit different from the current layout."

Zhang Xu nodded when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he took out a pen and drew on the map.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu who was standing on the map carefully and then found a place to sit down. She knew that formulating an action plan was Zhang Xu's strong point, so there was absolutely no problem in entrusting it to him.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xu put down the pen in his hand. He walked to the desk and took a sip of water from the enamel cup before he said, "You all come to see my plan."

Lu Xiaoxiao and the monkey walked to the table and looked at the map when they heard Zhang Xu's words. After reading Zhang Xu's customized plan on the map, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

Zhang Xu smiled after seeing the little girl's actions, and then said: "You have been in that village, and see if there is anything you need to add."

Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words and read the plan he made again, and then she thought for a while before she said: "I forgot to tell you just now. There are bloody people guarding this village."

Zhang Xu frowned when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. He knew that the blood evil people were all practicing ancient martial arts. The people he brought with him might be subdued by the blood evil people in less than half an hour. .

"Do you have a way to deal with them?"

"Yes, I have researched out a kind of powder that can temporarily incapacitate people who practice ancient martial arts."

"How long is it for now?"

"ten minutes."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Zhang Xu picked up the pen again and drew on the map. After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Come and see the current plan."

Lu Xiaoxiao walked over and looked at Zhang Xu's revised plan and said, "Just follow this."

"When do you want to act?" Zhang Xu asked, looking at Lu Xiaoxiao.

"In three days, it will take a while for me to make powder to deal with the blood evil people."

"Then you can do it here, tell me what you need, and I'll send it to you."

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