Chapter 226

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Liu Meihua took Lu Xiaoxiao to a corner of her backyard, and then said: "No one will come here, Xiaoxiao, just ask if you have anything."

"Sister Meihua, do you know someone named Honghong?"

Liu Meihua's expression suddenly changed when she heard the word Honghong, and after a while she said, "Xiao Xiao, where did you know Honghong?"

"I overheard Honghong and the people in the educated youth academy talking about the report, so I wanted to ask if Ms. Meihua knew Honghong."

Liu Meihua's face went black when she heard this. She didn't expect that the matter of reporting would have something to do with Liu Honghong. Even if Liu Honghong harmed her, she never thought that she would kill Ayu directly by doing so?

"Xiao Xiao, would you like to hear me tell a story?"

"Sister Meihua is willing to talk and I am willing to listen."

"More than ten years ago, Ayu's family was a famous big landlord in Tianshui Village, and Liu Honghong's father was the steward of Ayu's family. Liu Honghong has been living in Ayu's family since she was born, and she has been indoctrinated by her dad to marry when she grows up. Give Ayu's thoughts, so she has regarded Ayu as her possession since she was a child.

One day eight years ago, my dad saved Ayu who was bitten by a poisonous snake on his father’s life. Ayu’s dad made a marriage contract between me and Ayu in order to thank my dad for his life-saving grace, and took me to They live at home.

Since I lived in Ayu's house, Liu Honghong started to trouble me constantly, saying that I took Ayu away, and Liu Honghong's dad instructed the maid serving me to pierce me with a needle.

In this way, I spent two years at Ayu’s house, until one day, Liu Honghong and the servants of the family pushed me into the lotus pond and almost died. Then Ayu’s dad ordered Liu Honghong to do what his dad and Liu Honghong did to me. All have been checked out.

Ayu’s father was furious when he heard Liu Honghong’s father and Liu Honghong’s act, and ordered Liu Honghong and her father to be executed. Later, Ayu’s mother said that it was because Liu Honghong’s father had been a housekeeper in Liu’s house for so many years. Just leave it out.

After Liu Honghong and her father left Ayu's house, they built a house in Tianshui Village and lived there. Liu Honghong never gave up on Ayu. He blocked Ayu on the way to and from school almost every day, and then kept pestering him.

Ayu was so entangled by her that she couldn't bear it, so she let out a word, saying that Liu Honghong would drive her family out of Tianshui Village after she had been to her.

After Ayu's words, Liu Honghong did not appear in front of Ayu again. Until June of this year, Liu Honghong's father sued Ayu's family. All the members of Ayu's family were tortured to death in this incident except Ayu.

This is the story between me and Ayu and Liu Honghong. "

It's really a terrible plot. I used to think that such things would only appear on TV or in novels. I didn't expect that there should be such a thing in life. It's really long-sighted.

"Sister Meihua, after listening to the story you told, I think Liu Honghong must want to retaliate against you and Ayu to report you."

"Liu Honghong's dad can do something to report Ayu's family, so it's no surprise that Liu Honghong reports us."

"Sister Meihua, Honghong didn't do this thing alone. Two people from the educated youth institute also participated."

"I don't meet people from the educated youth academy. Why are they involved in this matter?"

"Hehe... Sister Meihua has no hatred with you, they have hatred with me."

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