Chapter 320 Xiongxiangxi (2)

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Zhang Xu laughed at Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then said: "That woman used her womb as a shield."

Lu Xiaoxiao listened to Zhang Xu's words and said, "So the feeling you have for your grandpa is that he accidentally saved your life."


"Why didn't your grandfather bring you to raise you?" She asked this because if Zhang Xu grew up next to his grandfather, it would be impossible for him to have such affection for his grandfather.

"Because I already understood that I was not that important to my grandfather. Even without me, he still had many grandchildren, so I refused when he offered to bring me to support."

"Then where did you live after you rejected your grandfather?" Lu Xiaoxiao didn't think Zhang Xu would continue to live in the place where he almost lost his life.

"I entered the army."

"What can you do when you are so young?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked suspiciously.

"Go to the cooking class to do chores."

"Will your grandfather agree to go to the cooking class?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu with an incredulous expression on her face.

The reason why Lu Xiaoxiao was so surprised was that she met Zhang Xu’s grandfather today. That person saw that face and profit were more important than anything else. Even if he didn’t like Zhang Xu anymore, it was impossible for Zhang Xu to cook. class.

"Because of my mother, she used the connections my grandpa left her to help my grandfather before he died, in exchange for them not to interfere in any of my decisions without harming my family."

"You have a good mother." Lu Xiaoxiao said with envy.

"I think so."

"I still have a question I want to ask you." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu and said.

"go ahead."

"Why is Zhang Yang so disgusted that you recognize me as your younger sister? And people in your family look ugly when they hear that I am the younger sister you recognize?"

Lu Xiaoxiao didn't think that those people would show their emotions on their faces just because they didn't like her. If you know who is not a master of acting in the big family, even if you want to kill the other party, they still smile.

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao’s words, Zhang Xu chuckled and said, “Because of the inheritance my mother left to me, my mother’s ancestors have always been wealthy businessmen. It was not until my grandfather’s generation that he abandoned business to martial arts. Even if my grandfather abandoned the business and joined the military, the wealth left by my ancestors is countless. In addition, my mother's family has always been passed down from one source, so the legacy my mother left to me can be imagined. Up."

"Then what does this have to do with me? Are they afraid that I will rob you of your mother's inheritance"

"They are really afraid that you will rob my mother's inheritance.

Lu Xiaoxiao's face changed when he heard Zhang Xu's words, and then immediately said: "I only now know that you have inherited such a large inheritance, so how could I recognize you as my brother because I want to grab the inheritance."

"I know you don't recognize me as your brother for this reason, but they don't think so."

"It seems that they still care about you, otherwise, how could they worry that I will rob you of your mother's inheritance."

"Heh... they are afraid that I am dead, you and they will rob me of my legacy."

"They have no problem with their brains. They started to calculate your inheritance when you were so young," Lu Xiaoxiao said incredulously.

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