Chapter 355 Strange Village (7)

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Xiao Biao was particularly proud when he heard what Dalong, Daniel and Gougan said. Before, the three of them had always showed off their child brides-in-law's beauty in front of him, but now his child bride-in-law directly compares them.

"My father said that he picked Xiaoxiao from the roadside, so if you want it, let your father go to the roadside to pick it up."

Lu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes when she heard Xiao Biao's words, and then added another time to Er Biao in her notebook. After she checked the matter, she would settle accounts with him at once.

"Xiao Biao, can you ask your dad to pick one for me?" Dog Dan looked at Xiao Biao and asked.

"I'll go back and ask my father."

"Xiaobiao, Dalong and I want too." Er Niu looked at Xiaobiao and said.

"I'll go back and ask my father."

"Then you remember to ask." Goudan said uneasy.


"Xiao Biao, come and play with us in the dirt." Dalong looked at Xiao Biao and said.


When Lu Xiaoxiao saw Xiao Biao and someone playing in the mud, she walked over to a stone under the big banyan tree and sat down. She had to think about how to find out the secrets of the village the fastest.

"Little girl, why sit here alone."

Lu Xiaoxiao, who was thinking, suddenly heard someone talking to her, and she immediately recovered from her thoughts. When she looked at the grandmother standing on her left hand, she said, "I came with Xiaobiao. , Xiao Biao is playing mud over there now, I don’t want to play so I just sit here."

"What is your name?"

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard the old man's words, he said, "Lu Xiaoxiao."

"How many days have you been in this village?"

"Two days, how did grandma know that I am a foreigner?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked the old man in surprise.

"There is nothing in this village that my mother-in-law doesn't know."

Lu Xiaoxiao was shocked when she heard the old man's words. She didn't expect that the kind old man in front of her was Granny Cai.

"Mrs. Cai, do you know how to get out of the village? I miss my family." Lu Xiaoxiao burst into tears as soon as he finished speaking.

When Granny Cai saw Lu Xiaoxiao's appearance at the moment, she stretched out her hand and touched her head and said, "My child, you can't get out of the village after you enter this village, but fortunately, you were given to his son by the village chief. You can also suffer less."

Lu Xiaoxiao was puzzled when she heard what Cai said. She didn't quite understand the meaning of Cai's words, but listening to Cai's speech, it seemed that she was also caught here.

"Ms. Cai, are you caught here too?"

Granny Cai was silent for a while after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, "Yes."

"Ms. Cai, do you miss home?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked when looking at Ms. Cai.

Granny Cai froze when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then a dusty memory reappeared in her mind. It took a while before she spoke: "Yes."

Not only did she miss home, she also missed him who always waited for her at the alley.

"Mother Cai, would you leave if you had a chance to escape this village?"


"Ms. Cai, I will find a way to take you out of the village."

"Let's talk, what can I do for help." Lu Xiaoxiao smiled embarrassedly when she heard what Cai said. She didn't expect that Cai could see through her tricks at a glance.

"I need to know everything about this village."

Granny Cai was silent for a while after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she said, "Just ask what you want to know."

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