Chapter 293

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An hour later, the car stopped at the gate of the train station. Zhang Xu got out of the car and called the door of the back seat. After he asked Lu Xiaoxiao to get out of the car, he and Chen Wenwu began to move the luggage down the car.

After all the luggage was removed from the car, Zhang Xu and Chen Wenwu said, don’t carry their luggage and walk towards the platform with Lu Xiaoxiao.

When he came to the platform, Zhang Xu took out the train ticket and checked their car number, and then took Lu Xiaoxiao on the train.

This time Zhang Xu still bought sleeper tickets. He packed his luggage and looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and asked, "Would you like to go to the upper berth to sleep for a while after getting up so early this morning?"

Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words and quickly replied: "Yes."

"Then you go to sleep, and I will wake you up when I have lunch."

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded to Zhang Xu and climbed to the upper bunk to catch up.

After three days and two nights, Lu Xiaoxiao finally returned home. After she took out the key and opened the door of the courtyard and hall, she asked Zhang Xu to move the luggage into the house.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the thin layer of dust on the kang and on the table. She turned her head to look at Zhang Xu and asked, "Are you going to go back to the mountain now or stay at my house for one night before going back to the mountain."

"I'm going back to the mountain now to take a look."

"That's fine, you take some of the food in the bag back to the mountain."

"Those are all things for children to eat. You can save them and eat them slowly." After saying this, Zhang Xu walked outside the house.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu's back and cast her mouth to clean the house.

It was already past five o'clock in the evening when Lu Xiaoxiao finished cleaning up the sanitation. She slapped her aching arm with her hand and went into the space to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Lu Xiaoxiao took a copy of the pan-fried buns she had packed in Haishi and left the room. After putting the pan-fried buns on the table, she went to the kitchen to get the dishes. This is her dinner tonight. Pan fried buns.

After dinner, Lu Xiaoxiao took all the things she bought in the sea market out of her bag. She couldn't help but pull the corner of her mouth as she looked at the stuff piled up on the kang. She knew that Zhang Xu bought a lot of things, but Did not expect so much.

After Lu Xiaoxiao picked out the things to give to the master and the captain from the pile of things, he put all the things on the kang into the space.

After finishing everything, Lu Xiaoxiao rubbed her aching neck and went back to the room to sleep.

At around 8 o'clock the next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao had breakfast and walked towards her house with the clothes that Aunt Cauliflower asked her to buy and some specialties from the sea market.

Lu Xiaoxiao came to Aunt Cauliflower's house and saw that their family was eating in the main room, so she said, "Aunt, are you eating?"

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao's arrival, Aunt Cauliflower quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands and said, "It's Xiaoxiao here. Have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten yet, eat it at your aunt's house."

"Auntie, I have eaten. I am here to bring you clothes today." After speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao took out the army green coat in the bag and handed it to Aunt Cauliflower.

Aunt Cauliflower's eyes lit up when she saw the clothes Lu Xiaoxiao handed over, and she wiped her hands twice before taking the clothes Lu Xiaoxiao handed her.

Aunt Cauliflower took the clothes and touched them lightly with her hand before looking at the captain and saying, "Old man, put your clothes on and let us see."

When the captain heard Aunt Cauliflower's words, he took the clothes and put them on. After he got dressed, he watched everyone in the room staring at him, so he said: "Is it ugly to wear?"

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