Chapter 306 Ending (4)

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Liu Youcai smiled disdainfully when he heard the captain's words, and then he said: "Since you have found out that I did the thing, then take me away."

Seeing that Liu Youcai knew what he was playing, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately said, "Director Chen, this matter has not been investigated, so Liu Youcai cannot be taken away now."

Liu Youcai immediately spoke after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words: "Lu Xiaoxiao, I have admitted that things belong to me, what else do you want?"

"I didn't think about what to do. I just wanted to tell Director Liu that this matter was still not clear in some places." Lu Xiaoxiao said with an innocent look.

Liu Youcai's eyes flushed red after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he viciously said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Are you really going to be so cruel?"

"Oh... I really don't understand what you mean. Director Chen, do you understand?"

Director Chen, who was standing by and watching the excitement, was suddenly taken aback when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's question, but he quickly reacted and said, "I didn't understand what he was talking about either."

"Liu Youcai, did you hear that? Not only did I not understand what you were saying, even Director Chen couldn't understand what you were saying."

"Lu Xiaoxiao, you..."

Before Liu Youcai finished speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao spoke to Director Chen: "Director Chen, although the fabric for the dolls is cut from Liu Youcai’s clothes, the work of sewing the dolls is obviously not done by Liu Youcai. So I think this place needs to be investigated."

Liu Youcai heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words and immediately said: "I sew the doll. Since my mother-in-law passed away, I have to sew my clothes by myself, so my needlework has been well done for a long time."

"Director Chen, since Liu Youcai said that he sews the doll, please arrange for him to sew another one on the spot, so as to prove that my guess was wrong."

Director Chen heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words and arranged for someone to fetch needles, threads and fabrics, and then handed them all to Liu Youcai.

Liu Youcai took the needle and started to sew. When Lu Xiaoxiao saw Liu Youcai halfway through, he picked up the scissors on the stool and stabbed her towards her.

When everyone saw Liu Youcai's actions, they immediately shouted: "Lu Xiaoxiao hurry up and get away."

Lu Xiaoxiao didn't make the slightest move after hearing the people's shouting. Just when everyone thought she would be stabbed to death by Liu Youcai, she stretched out her foot and kicked Liu Youcai two to three meters away.

Everyone opened their mouths in surprise after seeing the kick Lu Xiaoxiao kicked. It was not until Liu Youcai's scream after landing that they came back to their senses.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Liu Youcai, who was lying on the ground and humming, and gave him a disdain, then said: "Director Chen, hurry up and find two people to tie Liu Youcai, or it won't be good for him to go crazy again and hurt others. ."

Director Chen couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. He thought that Liu Youcai couldn't get up because he was kicked by his foot, and how he hurt people.

But even though he thought so in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face. He spoke to the two people who had just pressed Liu Youcai and said, "You two take a rope to tie Liu Youcai."

After hearing Director Chen's words, the two immediately found a thick and long rope to tie Liu Youcai tightly.

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