Chapter 311 Departure from Beijing City (1)

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Zhang Xu smiled helplessly when he heard the little girl's words, and said: "You can make trouble, I will settle the matter if something happens."

"Enough man." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Xu with a thumbs up.

Someone’s chat time is very fast. After dinner, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu and said, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"What do you do I eat, I am not picky eaters."

"it is good."

An hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao brought a pot of lump soup and ten sauerkraut cakes into the main room, and then he asked Zhang Xu to get the dishes and start eating.

After dinner, Lu Xiaoxiao said, "I'm going to tell the masters that I'm going to the city in Beijing. Remember to wash the dishes."

"it is good."

When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the cowshed, she said directly: "Master, I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow, and it will take about a week to come back."

"Little girl, what are you doing in Beijing in a snowy day?" General Xie asked, looking at Lu Xiaoxiao.

"It will be my parents' memorial day in two days. I want to worship them."

"That should go." Fan Lao said.

"Master, Master 2, and Master, do you have anything you want me to do for you?"


"Okay, then I will go back today."

"Little girl is in chaos in Beijing right now, you come back soon after you pay homage to your parents." Fan Lao looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and explained.

"I know the master." After saying this, Lu Xiaoxiao left the bullpen and walked towards the house.

Back home, Lu Xiaoxiao took the hot towel handed over by Zhang Xu, wiped her face and hands, and said, "What time will you leave tomorrow?"

"At nine o'clock, my car parked not far from the entrance of the village."

"Then I will go to the captain's house to open a letter of introduction at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. You don't need to go this time." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu and said.

"it is good."

"I'll go to bed if I get up early tomorrow, and you should rest early." After speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao went into the room and went to sleep.

At 7 o'clock the next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao came out of the room with a backpack. He looked at Zhang Xu who was sitting on the kang drinking porridge and said, "You got up so early?"

"Get used to it, go wash and eat breakfast, or it will get cold in a while."

Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu’s words and put the bag on the kang and went to wash up. After washing up, Lu Xiaoxiao drank a bowl of porridge and said: "I will go to the captain’s house and open a letter of introduction. You will know that you will be in the car after you pack it. Wait for me, this is the key to the yard."

After receiving the key, Zhang Xu said: "If the captain doesn't open a letter of introduction for you, you can call me."

"The captain will definitely drive it for me this time, hum~" Lu Xiaoxiao walked toward the captain's house arrogantly after saying this.

"Kunk...Is anyone home...Kunk..."

"I'm coming……"

Lu Xiaoxiao saw that it was Aunt Cauliflower who opened the door, so she said: "Good morning aunt, is uncle at home?"

"At home, did you have anything to do with your uncle?" Aunt Cauliflower looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and asked.

"I want to go back to Beijing, so I came to my uncle to open a letter of introduction."

"You go into the house and take a sip of hot water to warm your body, and I will ask your uncle to drive you."

"Trouble aunt."

"What's the trouble, it's just a sentence." Aunt Cauliflower said with a smile looking at Lu Xiaoxiao.

After a while, the captain came to the hall with a letter of introduction. He looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiao Xiao, what are you going to do in Beijing on a snowy day?"

"It will be my parents' memorial day in two days. I want to go back to Beijing to worship them."

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