Chapter 314 Shameless Person (1)

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"Who are you and why did you come out of the house?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked at the middle-aged woman who was swearing.

"This is my house, you said why I walked out of it." The woman spit in Lu Xiaoxiao's direction and said.

"Heh..." Lu Xiaoxiao laughed angrily when she heard the middle-aged woman's words, why the owner of her house didn't know that the house had changed ownership.

When the middle-aged woman saw a little girl dare to laugh at her, she opened her mouth and cursed: "You little bitch, if you don't learn well at a young age, you will hook up people everywhere. Seeing that you look like a fox and charming child, you will definitely get a thousand people... …what……"

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard the woman's unbearable swear word, he kicked her away. After the ear roots were clean, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu and said, "Can you ask the strong son to call the police for me? Just say that someone has taken over. The house of the children of martyrs."


Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the back of Zhang Xu's departure, then turned to look at the middle-aged woman who was lying on the ground and howling, and then said: "You tell me how this house became yours and I won't beat you, otherwise... …" Lu Xiaoxiao smiled at the woman after speaking.

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the middle-aged woman trembled, but she stopped shaking after a while. She seemed to think of some backer, and immediately shouted at Lu Xiaoxiao, "I persuade you. You still support me well now, and then kneel on the ground and kowtow to me three times, otherwise my son and the boss will come back for a while, and you will definitely not be able to eat."

Lu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at the middle-aged woman and then strolled around the house. When she saw the mess and dirt in the house that the family had made, she rushed behind the middle-aged woman angrily. She kicked her ass.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you dare to kick me, I will let the boss beat you to death." the middle-aged woman yelled while rubbing her ass.

"If you dare to say a word of cursing in your mouth, I will beat you crying father to mother, if you don't believe me, try it." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the middle-aged woman and said.

The middle-aged woman was shocked when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao’s expression. Now her family and her son are not around, and heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses. Now she bears it for a while. When her family and son return, she will definitely want this little bitch. People look good.

More than ten minutes later, Zhang Xu took Qiangzi and a few public security personnel into the yard. Before Lu Xiaoxiao could speak, she heard Qiangzi shout towards him: "Sister Xiaoxiao, I heard Xu Brother said someone robbed your house. Tell me who that person is, and I will shoot him to death."

Lu Xiaoxiao smiled at Qiangzi's words for her, and then said: "Brother Qiangzi, this matter has not yet reached the point where you are required to take action, so just watch the excitement by the side." After saying this, Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards the police officer.

"Uncle Public Security, I want to report this person for occupying the house of the martyrs' children." After speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at them with tears in his eyes.

"Fuck your mother's shit, this house is clearly mine. If you talk nonsense to see if I don't tear your mouth." The middle-aged woman heard Lu Xiaoxiao say that she wanted to report her, so she immediately cursed at Lu Xiaoxiao. .

"This house is clearly left to me by my father, but I left here temporarily when I went to the countryside to fill in bricks for China." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the middle-aged woman.

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