Chapter 294

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Aunt Cauliflower heard the captain's words and hurriedly said: "How can it be ugly, you can wear it well."

When the others in the room heard Aunt Cauliflower's words, they hurriedly said, "Father, you look good in this dress. We were all dumbfounded just now."

The captain laughed after hearing the people's words, and then he said: "It's not as exaggerated as you said, but this dress is strangely warm."

Aunt Cauliflower heard the captain's words and said: "This dress is thick when I touched it just now. It must be warm."

"Father, you made our brothers enjoy it too." Liu Baozhu said while looking at the captain's clothes.

"Okay, let you enjoy it." After saying this, the captain took off the clothes he was wearing and handed it to Liu Baozhu.

Aunt Cauliflower smiled helplessly when she saw the elder son's silly smile, then she looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiao Xiao, how much did you buy for this dress?"

"Auntie, I bought this dress at the flea market. Eighty yuan is not required, but the pocket of this dress is broken and needs to be repaired."

Everyone in the room, including Aunt Cauliflower, was surprised when they heard the price. They really didn’t expect that a cotton-padded coat of this size would cost only 80 yuan, and they didn’t even need a ticket. They thought that this piece of clothing would not be a ticket. It should be at least a hundred, which would be so cheap.

"Xiao Xiao, did you remember the price incorrectly?" Aunt Cauliflower looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and asked.

"Auntie, I remember the price correctly. The clothes in the second-hand market are cheaper because they have defects, just like the defective cloth in the supply and marketing agency."

"Oh, if I knew the price was so cheap, I asked you to buy more clothes for me." Aunt Cauliflower looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with regret.

"If I go to the sea market in the future, I will buy it for my aunt."

"Then thank Xiaoxiao first."

"Auntie, these two packages are special products of the sea market, I specially brought them back to give you a taste." After speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao handed the oil paper package he was carrying to Aunt Cauliflower.

Aunt Cauliflower opened one of the oil paper bags that Lu Xiaoxiao handed over, and then she divided the pastry into a small piece for everyone in the house, and she ate a piece by herself.

After eating the cakes in her hand, Aunt Cauliflower looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiao Xiao, the cakes in this big city are different from those in our small place. The cakes in the big city are not only better than ours. , The taste is better than ours."

"Auntie, although the cakes in the big cities are beautiful and delicious, they are not as solid as we do. We can only say that each has its own advantages."

"It's really true to hear that."

"Xiaoxiao, this is eighty yuan, click on it." The captain said after passing the money to Lu Xiaoxiao.

"No need to order, I believe uncle." Lu Xiaoxiao took the money and put it directly into his pocket.

"Old man, come and taste the specialties from the sea market that Xiaoxiao brought us." Aunt Cauliflower saw the captain give Lu Xiaoxiao the money and hurriedly greeted him to eat pastries.

After the captain took a bite of the pastry that Aunt Cauliflower handed him, he looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, did you buy this pastry in the First Department Store?"

"Uncle, how did you know that this is the cake bought by the first department store?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the captain with a puzzled look.

"When I was young, I went to Haishi, so I ate the cakes from No.1 Department Store. Today your cakes taste the same as I had eaten back then, so I guess you bought them there."

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