Chapter 344 Kidnapping (2)

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"Zhang Xu, can you tell me why you did this?" Although Lu Xiaoxiao knew what Zhang Xu did, he didn't understand why he did it.

When Zhang Xu heard the little girl's words, he covered his face with his hands, and after a while, he said, "For my mother."

Lu Xiaoxiao was puzzled after hearing what Zhang Xu said. Didn't Zhang Xu say that his mother had passed away? Why did he say that it was her mother now?

"Didn't your mother pass away?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice.


"What about..."

"She didn't die of illness, she was poisoned to death." Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu say such a sentence before finishing her words.

Lu Xiaoxiao stopped talking after Zhang Xu said. She didn't know how to comfort Zhang Xu at this moment, so she could only give him a quiet space.

After more than an hour, there was a voice in the corridor outside the room. Lu Xiaoxiao recovered from her thoughts. She looked towards Zhang Xu who was still sitting in the same posture as she had more than an hour before, and walked to it. He poured him a glass of water, and then she went to the table and took a portion of Jing Ba pieces and sat on the stool opposite Zhang Xu to eat.

Lu Xiaoxiao was eating at this time not because she was hungry, but because she wanted to change the dull atmosphere in the room. She wanted Zhang Xu to quickly get out of his hatred and sad world.

When Lu Xiaoxiao ate a third of the Jingba pieces, he saw a slender hand stretched out, and then took a piece of jujube flower cake from the box she was holding.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked along the route where the jujube flower cake had left, and saw that it was sent into Zhang Xu’s mouth. Lu Xiaoxiao unconsciously swallowed while watching Zhang Xu eating the jujube flower cake, not to blame her. Not promising, just blame Zhang Xu for being so sultry at the moment.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu after eating a piece of jujube flower cake and immediately passed the box on his hand, and then said: "This Beijing eight pieces are delicious, you can eat more."

After Zhang Xu glanced at the Beijing Eight Pieces, he looked at Lu Xiaoxiao. After a while, he said, "I'm not hungry, you can eat it."

After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao did not ask him to eat any more, but brought the box back and put it on his lap to continue eating.

Lu Xiaoxiao secretly observed Zhang Xu's expression while eating. After seeing that his affection had recovered, she said: "Zhang Xu, was your mother killed by your father and his little wife or your grandfather? of?"

The reason why Lu Xiaoxiao asks this is inferred from common sense. There are too many scumbags in life to let the upper three kill the original spouse in the family, the third kills the original spouse who blocked her way for the superior, and the father-in-law seeks to steal the property of the daughter-in-law. It's killing my daughter-in-law.

"They are just accomplices, the real murderer is not them."

Lu Xiaoxiao's pupils shrank when she heard Zhang Xu's words. She thought that it was the force behind Zhang Xu's father who was stumped and killed Zhang Xu's mother.

"Why did your mother get them in the way, letting them deal with a woman so unscrupulously, it is because of your mother's property?"


After hearing Zhang Xu's answer, Lu Xiaoxiao became even more puzzled. What happened to the one who was not for property? Does Zhang Xu's mother have something more valuable than property?

"Then what are they for?"

"For a map in my mother's hands."

"What map is so valuable, but it's a treasure map?"

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