Chapter 274

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At 6:30 in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao finally returned to the hotel after experiencing Stephen’s about to enter the restaurant for an hour. She looked at Stephen when she was separated from him and said, "Mr. Stephen, I will wait for you in the restaurant at 2 tomorrow afternoon. , I hope you can give me a copy of the photos you took today."

"No problem, see you tomorrow."

When Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the room, she saw Zhang Xu was already sitting on the sofa and waiting for her, so she put her bag on the table and sat down beside him.

"Is it tired?" Zhang Xu asked Lu Xiaoxiao's tired face.

"Heart tired." Lu Xiaoxiao replied feebly.

"what happened?"

Lu Xiaoxiao immediately sat upright when he heard Zhang Xu's question, and then looked at Zhang Xu with a serious face and said, "Have you ever investigated whether Stephen has a twin brother or a twin brother?"

"He is the only child."

"Then have you investigated his mental problems? I suspect that he has a dual personality. It is really difficult for me to superimpose the Stephen I saw with the one you said. It is impossible for a person to act even his personality is complete. changed."

Zhang Xu's eyes lit up when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. They really haven't investigated Stephen's problems. It can be said that they have basically never investigated their opponents' problems in their missions before. The little girl treated them. It really helped them to bring up things they had neglected before.

"I will send someone to investigate now." After saying this, Zhang Xu walked out of the room.

Lu Xiaoxiao watched Zhang Xu go out to do errands, she took the bag and returned to the room. Although she was very happy to visit the Old Town Hall for a day today, but when she came back, Stephen said all the joy after being read all the way. No more, she now only thinks of space to soak in a soothing essential oil soap for the whole body, and then get a good night's sleep.

"Kou Kou Kou... Kou Kou Kou... The little girl is out for dinner."

As soon as she came out of the space after taking a shower, Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu asking her to eat. She checked her whole body and found that except for the clothes that were different from before, she opened the door to the room after there was nothing inconsistent with what appeared now. Go to the living room.

"I'm so hungry, Zhang Xu, what did you order delicious?"

"Tonkatsu, ribs soup and the sea market sauce duck you said you like very much." Zhang Xu said the food he ordered while helping Lu Xiaoxiao prepare the rice.

Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up when she heard Zhang Xu's order. She quickly took the meal Zhang Xu had handed over and sat on the sofa to eat.

After half an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the empty plates on the table and looked at Zhang Xu with a little embarrassment. Her appetite has been increasing since she practiced martial arts, so I can’t blame her for sweeping away all the food on the table. .

"Are you full, do you want to order some more." Zhang Xu didn't seem to see the embarrassment on Lu Xiaoxiao's face, but looked at Lu Xiaoxiao calmly and asked if she was full.

Lu Xiaoxiao was even more embarrassed when she heard Zhang Xu's words, she coughed slightly before she said: "I'm full. I just saw you didn't eat a few bites of food. Would you like to order more food."

"I'm not hungry, little girl, you don't have to feel embarrassed just because you have eaten so much food. You are now growing up, and your appetite is already big, plus you and General Xie are learning kung fu, so now your appetite is like this. It is normal.

When I was your age, my appetite was twice as much as you. Later, as I grew older, my appetite gradually decreased. "

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