Chapter 335 Reversal (2)

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"Thank you." Zhang Xu felt very warm after hearing the little girl's words. He had a lot of things to say to her but didn't know where to start, so he could only say the least valuable but at the moment he can express the most Two words out of his mind.

"You don't need to thank me, you are my approved friend, and I naturally can't let people bully you."

"After that, please take care of me." Zhang Xu said as he looked at the big sister of the little girl.

Lu Xiaoxiao waved her hand when she heard Zhang Xu's words, and then said to him: "No problem."

Zhang Xu chuckled lightly after hearing what the little girl said: "It's almost dinner time, I invite you to dinner"

After speaking, he patted the box on the sofa with his hand.

Lu Xiaoxiao laughed loudly after seeing Zhang Xu's actions, and when she had laughed enough, she packed up her things and went out to eat with him.

When Lu Xiaoxiao was sitting in a Moscow restaurant waiting for a meal, she looked at Zhang Xu and said, "Can you get your grandpa out for a walk tomorrow?"

"What do you want to do." Zhang Xu looked at the little girl and knew that she wanted to do something bad again, so he asked.

"I didn't want to do anything, I just thought of swinging in front of him."

"Really?" Zhang Xu asked with a look of disbelief.

"It's more real than real gold."

"I promise you, tell me the time and place."

Zhang Xu knew that the little girl asked him to get the old man out for a walk, certainly not to wander around in front of the old man, but he knew that even if he didn't get the old man out for a walk, the little girl would definitely think of other ways to get the old man out, so for Without letting her toss him, he had to help him get the old man out.

"Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, you will be at the gate of the department store. Remember that you will come too. If you can, you will accompany your grandpa." Lu Xiaoxiao immediately told him the time and place when Zhang Xu agreed.

Zhang Xu nodded after hearing the time and place the little girl said, indicating that he knew it.

At this time, the waiter brought the dishes they ordered. Lu Xiaoxiao drank the red cabbage soup while thinking about how to make Mr. Zhang an unforgettable "memory" tomorrow.

"Brother Xu, why are you here?"

Just as Lu Xiaoxiao was thinking about it, he was shocked by the whistling brother Xu, and he immediately returned to his senses.

Lu Xiaoxiao rubbed her arms with her hands and looked up at the person who made the sound of Brother Xu. The other party also happened to look at her. Before she could say hello, the girl directly pointed her finger and asked: "You who is it?"

After Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the girl who pointed her finger at her, she just picked up the spoon and continued to drink the red cabbage soup. The best way for such a coquettish and impolite person is to ignore her, otherwise she will be angry. dead.

Chen Xuexue saw that the little girl who was eating with her brother Xu ignored her, so she said, "Why didn't you answer when I asked who you were? You are so uneducated at a young age."

Zhang Xu heard Chen Xuexue’s words and just wanted to give a reprimand, he saw the little girl put the spoon heavily on the table, and then looked at Chen Xuexue and said: "You are educated, you just use your finger on someone’s nose to ask the name when you meet. Educated means being in public places and making loud noises. Educated means coming over to disturb others when they are eating."

Chen Xuexue's face turned pale after being questioned by the little girl, and she couldn't think of a rebuttal for a long time.

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