Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen - Let's Just Work

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The first week without dad was the hardest for all of us, I sat on the couch and stared at the TV in Rufus's cabin after coming back around from the sedative the nurse stuck me with; when I finally was fully awake and alert, I cried so much making my eyes go bloodshot with the pressure. Dean sat with me the whole first night on the couch holding me to him I laid between his legs my head on his chest, his arms encircling me as I cried myself into a much-needed deep sleep. We spend the next week like this huddled together or sitting side by side or on the bed sometimes Sam joins me on the couch while Dean steps out on a run and his brother wraps an arm around me while silent tears slide down my cheeks. I know Dean was making runs too for a breather from my psychotic break, it could be worse, but Dean doesn't handle this kind of thing well which I don't think I would be able to either if I were in his shoes.

"It's going to be okay Mel," Sam whispers, "I know it's hard now but we're going to be okay."

"Right now, I-I don't feel anything, Sam," I mutter with stiff lips, "I just can't – can't pull myself together no matter how much I want to."

"It's understandable, it really is."

"I should be used to death by now," the words tumble from my lips, "first mom with that demon, my daughter killed off by some monster, Cass and the Leviathans and now my dad with Dick Roman. Sammy, I don't think I can – I can hold onto humanity much longer or my sanity for that matter."

He turns grabbing my face with both hands, eyes wide with fear and surprise at my words.

"Don't let Dean hear you say that Lennie," he whispers urgently, "we need you; he needs you and you need him now more than ever. Promise me you won't do anything stupid."

"I won't, at least not intentionally, Sam. If Satan is helping to drive the bus well...." my words die off as a car pulls into the driveway and I tuck myself back into Sam's side resting my head on his chest, "just relax Mel, and let your body heal."

My eyes are half closed as the door opens and slams shut making the both of us jump; Dean tries to smile at me and nods to his brother as if he's glad that I wasn't left alone. He deposits the groceries on the table, comes over and gestures for Sam to move and he does relinquishing me to my husband who tucks me into his side one of his muscular arms holding my body tight against him. The last few days of the week drag on, neither of the two really talk; Dean kept stealing glances at me when I wasn't pressed to his side making sure I wasn't going to have some mental break down in the process of healing from my back and wrist injury but by the start of the second week I'm able to heal my back with no problem along with my arm and Dean manages to cut the cast off without hurting me.

Even performing those two little tricks drained me so Dean tucks me into the couch before moving over to the table with his brother to research the numbers dad had written on Sam's hand before he died. Just thinking about it gets me choked up all over again but I hold back the sobs and pitiful sounds of grief to not rile Dean up any farther; now that dad is gone Dean's on a hard to sway war path to go after Dick Roman. I know those two doing that kind of thing keeps them distracted and keeps them grounded but just lying here seems to bother me more than anything else. I should be up doing something, researching or doing a locator spell thing or whatever to be a part of this plan to get Dick. That's how our second week went, Dean would research with his brother, sometimes forcing food down my throat or a sip of water or getting me bathed which I should have enjoyed more than I did, but I was just too lost in my own mind and grief to think about sex with my husband.

A few days into the third week of dad being gone we're in need of supplies again Sam makes the run this time getting some fresh air for himself, the small TV in the room is on showing some stupid drama love show but I'm not paying much attention just using it to create background noise so I don't have to hear the echoing silence that used to have my dad in it. My eyes and ears are so zoned out that I didn't even notice Dean approaching until a hand rests on my shoulder making me jump and I swing without thinking.

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