Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Four - You wouldn't Understand

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Dean and Sam are gearing up to go after James since all evidence points to him being the culprit, I wonder if Portia had figured anything else out or if this is the end for her master. While they go after James I change from the clothing that Portia provided me, the curls will go away on their own it's not like my hair is gross or anything like that in this state, hanging the dress back up on the hook I stare at it in wonder realizing that I never actually got to look at myself in the mirror in full dress oh well. Dean liked whatever he saw but couldn't act upon it with the accommodations as they are, he mumbled something about missing our room when we got back here. I have pretty much all our things packed up and the nice clothes ready for Portia when Dean calls to say that Portia was finally able to mind touch with James, according to her he's not the one to kill those people there's no preemptive thought or anything just the killings which is odd if someone was wanting to go out and kill it'd be thought out in advance before the deed was done which tells us that James is indeed innocent.

Lately I've been feeling off and this morning I coughed which turned the palm of my hand red, I tried to play it off for my own sake, figuring it was just a fluke and hoped that neither of them would notice the damn tissue buried in the bathroom trash can. After a while the boys are back, Dean looking more annoyed and frustrated than Sam, to cheer him up a little I ordered take out which should be here any minute now and if it's not well then, we'll be getting free food.

"I'll hit up the police station in the morning," Sam says, "see what's going on there."

"Sounds good to me," Dean yawns, "babe, where's the food?"

"I don't know it should be here any minute now," I murmur, getting up I go outside, "I'll wait for it or head to the main building, see if they left it there."

Shrugging on my leather jacket I head out closing the door behind me, there's no one waiting in front of the room so I start to head towards the main building to check with them on where our food could be; as I'm moving between dark and light spots with the streetlights something or someone hits me in the back of the head and I fall sprawling onto the sidewalk; I'm not knocked out right away so I'm pissed off as I start to get to my feet. I roll quickly to my back to find Castiel standing above me, I go to kick him, but he puts two fingers to my forehead putting me under.

When I open my eyes again both Castiel and I are in an abandon warehouse, Dean comes around the corner with a gun then all hell breaks loose; Castiel attacks my husband I'm confused I want to protect him to do something, but my body moves without effort and grabs Dean's arms pulling them behind his back.

"No, Cass, Lennie! No!" he shouts at us as he pulls against my hold which I pull them harder popping the shoulders out of place I never thought I was capable of such a thing especially on my own husband. There must be extra juice running through me to subdue him because he doesn't go down this easy with anything especially against me.

"Cass don't," he begs in pain while the Angel raises the blade striking him in the chest killing him and I drop his body to the floor.

The lights above us turn on with blinding light, encasing the room in the white light, around us are bodies upon bodies of Dean, how the hell? When the hell did this happen? Naomi appears around the corner smiling at the two of us.

"No hesitation, quick, brutal," she says, "everything is back in order, finally," smiling at the two of us she claps her hands together, "you're ready."

The next thing I comprehend is that both the Angel and I are in a random kitchen several demons trying to get Sam and Dean; Cass grabs one burning the demon from the body killing the person too the one with curlers in her hair I've got a hold of blood streaking from her nose. The two Winchester stare at me as if they've seen a ghost, I wonder what they thought happened to me when I went to check for food or if Castiel sent them a fake message or something. Castiel takes the two out of the room while I bound and detain the single demon then join them in the room, "I'm going to interrogate it now."

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