Chapter Seventy - Two - You asked for it

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I follow behind Dean at the dentist office, the room where the extreme root canal is marked off with police tape which we both sneak under; beyond the room we make our way to the dentist's office itself to check things over there. There doesn't seem to be anything odd in this room, but Dean picks up a receipt showing it to me; the thing reads 'Harry's House of Horns.'

"I've seen this before," he tells me, "at the Patterson's house when we interviewed the big sister."

"You think that's the connection?" I ask.

"It's a possibility," he mutters, "come on let's go check the shop out."

We drive over to the shop, Dean's in his professional gear while I'm wearing my everyday clothes, but it doesn't matter; if you've got a 'badge' then you'll most likely get anywhere with people. Dean pulls out two pictures of the latest victims showing them to the store owner.

"Jane and Dr. Conley," he mutters, "I heard, awful. What do I have to do with this?"

"Honestly?" I say, "you're the only thing they have in common, did they say anything before they uh..." I trail off but he just shakes his head, "sorry, not really."

"I was just fishing," I tell him with a smile, "hitting a bunch of dead ends on this one." We turn to walk away Dean's arm over my shoulders when the guy says loudly, "what about my horn?" Dean turns, "Sorry?"

"Stolen horn," the owner clarifies, "things one-in-a billion."

"What makes it so?" Dean asks.

"It's a museum piece, and near as anyone can tell, about a thousand years old." He pulls a photo from under the counter, we go back staring at the image, "where's it from?" Dean asks.

"No one knows," he admits.

"When did it get swiped?" I ask.

The guy rubs his chin, "about...two weeks ago...same day Jane died."

We thank him again and say we'll keep an eye out for the horn getting our best people on it even if he doesn't know we're not actual F.B.I this horn has to be something in relation to the deaths in this town. Back at the motel Dean's got the laptop now looking up Gabriel's Horn of Truth, I set a glass of whiskey down next to his right hand which he takes after he taps my butt lightly making me squeak and he grins into his glass, once that's down he looks around before speaking.

"Castiel? Hello?" he starts, "possible loose nuke down here, angelic weapon. Kinda your department, you hear that Cass?" After a long minute of waiting the sound of wings startles me, "Hello, Dean." He looks at me, "Melanie, where's Cassie?"

"She's with a close friend," I tell him, "you'd know if you'd look after he like the Guardian Angel you're supposed to be."

"My apologies." Dean grunts, "are you kidding me? I have been on red alert about Sam, and you come for some stupid horn?"

"You asked me to be here, and I came."

I look from Angel to hunter a little amused with the situation.

"I've been asking you to be here for days, you dick."

"I didn't come about Sam," Cass admits, "because I have nothing to offer about Sam."

"We'll that's great," Dean snaps, "because for all we know, he's just gift wrap for Lucifer." Cass shakes his head, "no he's not Lucifer," the Angel grabs the bottle of whiskey then turns filling Dean's empty glass.

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