Chapter One Hundred and Eight - Under the Radar

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Sam's taken the backseat letting me sit in the front my body pressed right up against Dean because I'm afraid he'll disappear or turn into Lucifer even though I know, well I think I know that he's the actual real Dean; the one I married. The hand that's not on the wheel he moves to my thigh squeezing lightly and I lay my wounded hand on his feeling the warmth of his skin under it and I sigh a little in content with the contact.

"Look, we're...we're trying our best here," Dean says softly, "I know you're doing your best too; Sam says I've been too hard on you about it."

"I get it," I mutter, "if I'm not careful.... this...this craziness in my head could kill me."

"That's not what we're saying," Sam says, "we're just worried about you, like a lot, Mel. I had the hell visions first, remember? I remember bits and pieces of what it was like; I can't imagine what you're going through now."

I don't say anything again as we pull up dad's driveway and my mouth falls open the hinges in my jaw cracking; oh God the house. The car isn't even fully stopped as I jump out running for the place I grew up in, where my daughter spent a lot of her time, where I got to make amends with my mother.... all of it gone. There was a fire or an explosion, there's not much left of the place that I can see from the outside besides the front porch which that itself is in disarray, I smell gas leaking and other things, the panic room is still intact as is parts of the downstairs the upstairs is pretty much gone.

Dean makes me stay outside with Sam as he searches the house for my dad, he's got to be still at the hospital or out on a run, I couldn't bear it if he were to end up dead in there I'd feel like it'd be my fault if he was. Sam's hand rests on my shoulder squeezing lightly trying to comfort me because he knows that there aren't any words to make any of this better. After a while Dean comes out brushing soot and dust off his jacket, Sam lets me go and I race up to him, "any sign of dad?" he shakes his head, which could mean that he's still alive somewhere.

"That place was torched," he says, "somebody knew what they were doing."

"You think Bobby was back there?" Sam asks and Dean shrugs, "I don't know, there's no real sign of him anywhere."

"Let's split up," I suggest, "cover the grounds and converge back here if you don't find him."

Sam and Dean go left and right through the junk yards on either side of the house while I take the outside of the house and beyond it towards the small patch of woods, maybe dad escaped and ran this way who knows but I'm hoping for the best. I hear the guys shouting for dad a while then the sound of a gun goes off before I even set foot in the woods, rushing back I find Dean and Sam facing off with a tan skinned man, black ooze is everywhere as he grimaces, he tilts his head back the face transforming to a large mouth with sharp teeth that look like a shark's and a forked tongue pokes out from between them. The stranger lashes out grabbing Dean's shotgun then tosses it away like a twig, grabs him around the collar and throws him through the air and smashes into a car, but when he comes down, he comes down hard on his leg shattering a bone or two because he doesn't get up clutching at the area.

The man comes for Sam next, and I head over to Dean to try and help him up but hear Sam take a beating and go flying down the dusty path and everything is silent, I'm grabbed from behind hoisted high in the air. He seems to recognize me at first, but I lash out nailing him in the nose with my elbow, but it doesn't really seem to faze him, he just smiles at me, "you're a fighter, ain't ya girl?"

"Dean!" is all I can think to shout since he's still conscious.

"No one is going to save you," the man snaps and swings me around bashing my face against a car, once, twice, then I lose consciences as he drops me before a loud crash fills my ears.

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