Chapter Sixty - Four - Shifter Trouble

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He drives through the night not really saying anything to me, the kid in the back makes gurgling sounds and giggles like Cassie used to do and still sometimes does.

"So what do you know about this thing that you got a hit on?"

"Well uh," he says, "it was fast and it freaked when I cut it with silver," I groan, "so that narrows it down to..." Sam starts back in, "Ghoul, a zombie, a shifter or about a dozen other things."

"But why take the kid, what does that have to do with anything?" He shrugs and I look back at the little one, "feel free to speak up if you know anything," the boy just smiles at the words.

I lay my head against the cold window on my side closing my eyes; I'm so used to going to bed at a certain time that I just can't stay awake anymore. After a while the rays of sun wake me as well as grunting from the baby in the backseat, and then there's an audible farting noise and I look wide eyed over at Sam.

"We're gonna need supplies."

"There's an arsenal in the trunk," he mutters and I slap his arm, "not that kind you idjit."

We pull up to a small grocery store for what we need, if I had been smart I'd have went back to the house for baby stuff but then I'd have gotten the third degree from Dean for coming back and he probably would have wanted to come along then too after sitting on it for a long while; Sam pushes the cart with the baby strapped into the seat on the front of it.

"Grab that paste there," I point with a finger at Sam's height, "its for his butt, it's probably sore from sitting a long while." I grab a few more things tossing them into the cart.

"You're good at this," he notes as we round a corner of the aisles.

"I have a child of my own, Sam," I say, "we had to do a lot of this on the fly not really having a clue what to do but we managed."

The baby starts to fuss even more.

"We gotta move waterworks in t-minus ten minutes."

Sam's unloading the items onto the conveyor belt at the checkout counter; I take the baby making soothing noises even mocking him a bit trying to get to smile but all he does is start to cry harder and harder each time.

"Everyone's staring at us like we're child abusers," Sam hisses, "feed it!"

"Sam, you fed it already from what you said, he might need changed." Sam's face scrunches up in distaste, "oh God, I hope not."

As I'm trying to check the diaper, he continues to cry an elderly-colored woman comes up behind us, she starts talking to the baby over my shoulder then says, "what's his name?" At the same time I say 'Bobby' Sam says 'John' so I just mash the names together.

"Bobby John," I try to smile, "or BJ for short."

She touches his chubby fingers with one of hers, "hi Bobby John, aren't you handsome?" she holds her arms out, "may I?" I stutter a little, but she takes him anyway which he settles down almost instantly to my amazement, "Bobby John's a little wet, no offense you two look exhausted," my eyes glance at the monitors mounted in the office next to us; a bright, white flare appears in the woman's eyes.

"I can take him now," I tell her.

"Oh I don't mind," she coos, "Lord knows I've changed a million diapers."

"That's a really nice offer, thank you but um...I think we've got it."

My heart beats madly in my chest because of this woman, for some reason this damn shifter wants the baby and I'm not going to let her have it; I grab her arm tightly nails digging in and lean forward spitting out the words in a hiss, "give me the baby before I stab you in the neck."

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