Chapter Thirty - Back to the Future Part II

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Sam, Dean and myself appear in the middle of a busy street with a car screeching to a halt just inches from us and they honk the horn yelling at us to get off the road. Dean takes my arm pulling me with him to the sidewalk followed by more honking and people yelling; the sounds are too loud in my ringing head.

"Did we make it?" Sam asks.

Dean points to a parked car, "unless they're bringing Pintos back into production, I, uh I'd say yes."

Ahead of us a few feet is Cass on the ground his head against another parked car, Sam rushes forward to help him up while Dean looks me over to make sure I'm okay and he wipes at the underside of my nose then pulls his hand back to show me the dark blood shiny on his skin.

"You need to rest," he says, "you have the baby to worry about."

We turn as Sam shouts for Dean after Cass collapses again this time blood spatters his mouth; even with my power it was too much for the Angel.

"Let's get these two somewhere safe," Dean states as Sam helps Cass up, "then we'll find mom and dad."

I don't argue my body hurts and is still shaking from the soul touching; Sam gets the angel and I set up in a lover's suite in the nearest motel. Dean kisses my forehead then my lips saying he'll be back and not to overdo it with anything. They leave with the gear they brought after tossing Cass onto the oversized heart shaped bed, I want to lay down and sleep but lying next to the Angel just seems wrong, so I grab a spare blanket from the bathroom closet and spread out on the couch closing my eyes in exhaustion.

Cass is still out of it when I wake up hours later; it's dark outside as I stretch then sit up rubbing my lower back where the worst pain is; my girl kicks me to make sure I'm awake and I rub the spot she kicked talking to her softly so I don't bother Castiel. On the nightstand next to the bed is a number that Dean had written down; so I call it waiting for whoever the number belongs to to answer after a few more rings I go to hang up but a feminine voice answers.

"Hello?" she asks.

"Hello, uh is this uh Mary Campbell? Uh Sam and Dean Winchester with you?" I ask hoping she doesn't hang up instead she snaps, "who are you?"

"You probably won't believe me but Dean's my fiancé and the father of my child," I touch my belly, "is he there with you?" The other end is silent another minute and then she says, "he just went to get in the car, we're headed to my family's old farmhouse."

"Could I join you? I know Dean probably won't like it, but I think I need to be there."

"Sure sure," she breathes, "I'll be right there!" she shouts to someone on her end then gives me the address.

Hanging up I rip the paper from the tablet and write a new note for Cass in case he wakes up to join us for the fight, in the pitch-black darkness it takes a while for me to hotwire a random car on the street another longer minute to figure out how to drive a stick but I eventually get the hang of it while sort of that is and race out of town towards the old Campbell place Mary told me about. When I pull up to the house there's a light on in one of the rooms and I race up the steps kicking the door open which bounces off the wall, there slumped against the wall is Sam a pipe in his chest blood dribbling out of the hollowed part of the metal.

"Melanie?" Dean asks shocked to see me I think, "you're good?"

I look across the room to see Dean facing off with what must be a younger version of his father but there's something showing through his face.

"So this is my warrior," Michael muses coming closer.

"Don't touch me," I hiss, "I will never be your warrior."

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