Chapter Fifty - Three - Samifer

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He still has a hold of my arm when we reappear in an abandoned theater a group of people of different sexes, ages and races stand in a semi-circle; however he ignores them for he time being taking me towards a small pedestal near the edge of the stage; something large rests upon a dusty old pillow.

"Even though you knew this would happen," he says, "you still came with Sam and Dean; you've gone soft Melanie."

"Bite me dick head," I hiss.

With my free hand I bring it around boiling with power pooling in the palm and smash it against Sam's face mentally apologizing even though he probably can't feel it; Lucifer stumbles back red-hot blisters forming on the cheek I hit. Pulling from his grip I jump from the small stage and race up the aisle to get away however just as I reach the door he appears before me arms crossed.

"You know I like the fire, but," he holds the metal collar in his hands, "I don't like it being used on me."

I growl and try to run the other way when two people from the stage grab hold of my arms gripping tightly.

"Just be a good girl and hold still," he grunts, "then I'll make it all stop for you."

Using Sam's big hands, he puts the heavy collar on me the metal cold against my skin; he locks it with some Enochian language then steps back gesturing to the bodies to return to their original places when we arrived. Goosebumps rise on my skin from the cold of the metal biting into my flesh, Lucifer is smirking using Sam's face to show emotion; none of it fits well with my brother in laws features making me nauseous.

"Now," he purrs, "Sam and I need to enact a little revenge on the people behind you, and you will join us."

"No," I hiss through my teeth, "I'd kill myself a million times over before dancing with the Devil."

"You can't fight City Hall." He warns.

His words shock me, his own brother, Michael, said those exact words way back when we went to save the boys' parents from Anna. He starts to walk back down the aisle holding his head high standing at Sam's full height, but when I ignore him doing my best to keep my distance, I feel sharp pain race down my throat almost like an electric shock collar for dogs. He hears the grunt of surprise and pain coming from me then stops turning to look over his shoulder, I can see the Devil's humor in Sam's eyes; "I told you, now come along."

Without my permission my body moves jerkily as if controlled by a remote control, Lucifer leads the way back to the stage where the people are still standing around motionless, he flexes his hands moving Sam's arms around as if there's something bugging him.

"Sam," Lucifer says, "come on I can feel you...scratching away in there." He turns towards a mirror, so Sam is trying to fight the Devil not too successfully but he's trying anyway. "Look...I'll take the gag off, okay? you got me all wrong kiddo, I'm not the bad guy here."

"Says the damn collar around my neck."

"Be quiet," he snaps at me and my lips hold firm against each other, I try to pry my mouth open but that same pains zings through my body, "the more you struggle, the more painful it'll be so just do as I say." His eyes haven't left the mirror, he tilts his head as if someone is speaking must be Sam now that he's taken the 'gag' off or so he says.

"Such anger," Lucifer purrs, "young Skywalker; who are you really angry with? Me? Or that face in the mirror?"

I want to speak, call out to Sam maybe if he sees or hears me, he'll fight harder instead of having this heart to heart crap with the Devil; God this whole thing makes me sick. I wonder how Cassie is, how Dean and dad are now that Sam and I both flew the coop, without our permission of course.

"I've been waiting for you..." Lucifer/Sam's voice draws me back to the present, "for a long, long time. Come on, Sam. You have to admit, you can feel it, right?" He pauses waiting then says, "the exhilaration, and you know why that is? Because we're two halves made whole. M.F.E.O. Literally."

Even though I can't speak I take several steps forwards to try and rush Lucifer, but he doesn't look away from the mirror where he's supposedly having a conversation with Sam. His gesture halts me mid-step holding me tightly, I squirm at least try to but his hold doesn't give in anyway, "now Melanie, you know Sam can see and hear everything now. If you think that him seeing you will make him fight harder; well you're wrong." He tosses me across the stage and I slide across the wood landing at the feet of one of the older guys standing still.

"I'm inside your grapefruit Sam," he continues his conversation with the youngest Winchester, "you can't lie to me. I see it all – how odd you always felt, how...out of place in of yours. And why shouldn't you have? They were foster care – at best. I'm your real family."

Gritting my teeth I push to my feet but the gentleman at my back grabs my shoulder digging his fat fingers into my skin.

"All those times you ran away, you weren't running from them. You were running towards me, this doesn't have to be a bad thing, you know. I let Dean live, didn't I? I let your niece live. I'll bring your folks back, too. I want you to be happy Sam." The devil doesn't dare mention me again afraid Sam will see some everlasting hope and start fighting once again. Sam must have responded again, "really? Not even a little payback?" He smirks, "look closely, none of these devils look familiar to you?"

Lucifer gestures at me with a finger and I obey not wanting to feel the shock of the collar, he lays a hand on my shoulder as he lets Sam see the group in front of us, these people all seem random to me and yet somehow, they all connect to Sam.

"And that's your friend Doug from that time in East Lansing, and Rachel...your prom date. Sam Winchester, this is your life. Azazel's gang...watching you since you were a rugrat, jerking you around like a dog on a leash." I swallow hard, I had no idea about how far the yellow eyed demon went to get at Sam, "I know how you feel about them, me too. So, what do you say you and I blow off a little steam?"

Lucifer makes me participate with him, but saying he's letting Sam feel the enjoyment as well knowing full well he's a dirty liar; I had to rip out the old guys eyes with my fingers feel the blood sink under my fingernails, with Sam's old prom date he made me break all her limbs before ripping her heart out himself this went on and on until my clothes had blood misted across them, my hands bloodied to the point of staining the skin. I'm standing behind Lucifer on the small stage steps as he sits, he takes a deep breath as if what we had just done was exhausting.

"So, Sam and Melanie," he sighs, "are we having fun yet?" After a while he stands back up ignoring the bodies splayed out and dead on the stage behind us.

"You're sick," I spit finally able to open my lips, "who in their right mind would enjoy that?"

"I know deep down Sam did as did you," he mutters, "let us go, we have a fight to attend."

I don't want to follow which I try to fight again but the collar shocks me so I move ever so slowly; Sam's clothes are no longer bloody but mine are making me even more sick to my stomach; if Dean could see me now he'd wipe off my face, kiss me sweetly and comfort me all night but I don't even know if I'll ever get to see him or my daughter again. He snaps his fingers this time loud in the empty place taking us both away from here and into the frying pan of battle.



"I'm not some toy," I hiss, "let's just get this damn show on the road."

"You're a monster Lucifer," Michael spits, "and I have to kill you."

"You know," Lucifer growls, "I tried to be nice...for Sammy's sake. But you...are such a my ass."

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