Chapter Twenty - Six - What's really Important?

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The next day I awake in my bed to feel Dean's arms around me; he must have woken up on the cold couch and found his way up here to me. I press myself closer to him absorbing his warmth when he makes a soft sound in his throat enjoying the closeness.

"Good Morning," he breathes planting a kiss behind my ear, "sleep well?"

"Probably better than you since you passed out on that old couch," I laugh.

He nuzzles my neck for a while which makes my heart race and he rolls me over to face him my little baby belly putting a space between us but he still holds me as close as he can without hurting the baby. His lips find mine which capture them in earnest and I kiss him back just as strongly; we kiss like that for a long while when finally his hands start to roam over my body enjoying the exposed skin of my pajama shorts and tank top that I wear to bed. Pretty soon I won't be able to wear them anymore because my belly will be too big for my clothes, his hands slow as he pulls his lips from mine and moves towards my belly planting a soft kiss there which makes my heart melt.

"Hey little bean," he whispers his lips tickle my skin, "you be good to your mom, let her enjoy some burgers every now and then."

I laugh at the tickling sensation and his words because I still haven't been able to enjoy a nice juicy burger.

"I bet he or she will like them once they're out of me," I smile making him laugh too, "you're going to be a great dad Dean, I can feel it."

He looks up at me from his position on my belly, I can see the smile which gives his cheeks dimples, but I can also see fear deep within his green eyes; he wants to be a good dad better than his own ever was which I can understand but I think with me he'll have no problem being the greatest dad for our child.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," he rests his chin gently on my stomach.

"Sure." He takes a deep breath, "I saw what you had pulled up at the Trickster job," his eyes meet mine, "you didn't close out of the internet browser when you laid down, so I saw the venues and wedding license information you were looking up."

"I want to get married Dean," I sigh, "but with this whole Michael vs Lucifer thing hanging over our family, it just didn't seem as important."

His face changes suddenly and he moves to hover over me eyes on mine.

"You are important, this baby is important, our future together is important," he tells me, "don't ever think less of yourself, if you want to get married then let's do it." I kiss his nose and smile, "you sure know how to make a girl feel loved, Winchester," he smiles at me then kisses my lips, "tomorrow after your appointment we'll go apply for a wedding license."

"Dean, don't you remember you're supposed to be dead."

"We'll figure something out; hell, Cass might be able to give us a hand."

"I was thinking the same thing actually when I was looking at things online."

Dean grabs my hips and rolls so I'm straddling him, a laugh escapes me as I feel heat rush to my face.

"Isn't this how this little bean was made?" I tease touching my pregnant belly and his hands cover mine, "and I'd do it again, and again," his hands grasp my hips, "and again."

Just when things are starting to get good Dean's phone rings and he reaches over to my bedside table still holding my hip with one hand and answers putting it on speaker, "Hey Castiel, what's going on?"

"The demon Crowley," he responds, "is making a deal; even as we speak, it's...going...down." Dean tries not to laugh at the Angel's words, "Going down?" he raises an eyebrow, "okay, Huggee Bear; just don't lose him."

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