Chapter Seventy - It ain't no Kiddie Ride

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Back at the motel, my stomach is churning and aching for sustenance which I've denied it all night; the cure Samuel is working on smells horrid as he puts Boris's blood in the large glass. Their heartbeats are loud in my ears especially Dean and the old man's they're both nervous and wary of me which I can't say I blame them for I could turn on all three of them being as hungry as I am right now; Samuel turns to me the glass in hand stirring everything together.

"If this works," he says, "you know it's not gonna be a kiddie ride." I nod still trying to hold off the bloodlust, but Sam being eager for whatever reason asks, "so what'd you see in there?" I'm squinting against the light, trying not to look at them, "what?"

'In the nest," he persists, "what'd you see?"

"Sam back off," Dean growls, "she's barely holding it together."

"Sam I can't hear you..." I moan, "your blood is so frickin' loud, okay?" I put my hands up, "just ...just back off." Samuel approaches holding the glass out, "gimme me that." The smell coming out of the cup makes me wince; I lift the glass to them, "L'chaim..." I down the glass like a shot not wanting to really think about what I'm doing then I slam it down on the counter beside me but when nothing happens right away, I start to say, "I don't think it..." but I'm caught off guard when the feeling to vomit overtakes me and I turn towards the bathroom making it to the toilet just as a fountain of dark blood appears.

Over the roaring in my ears, I hear Dean ask if that means it's working but after that I'm vomiting once more then rear back falling against the far wall; fangs have descended as I clutch at my head in agony everything hurting twice as much as it did when I was turning into a vamp. I watch with pained eyes how everything plays out in reverse in my mind; killing Boris, meeting Robert, visiting Cassie and wanting to kill the sitter. It all continues in painful agony over the last few hours, and I feel like I can't take much more when the vision of me getting attacked plays back, the blood, and my eyes catching Sam staring from the mouth of the alley staring right at me. That played out in reverse just after Dean helped put me on the dirty ground from being let go of Boris. I struggle for a while longer, my breathing ragged and then the world goes silent as I sit panting against the bathroom wall.

Sam and Dean approach me but I flinch away from the younger Winchester terrified of him for letting me get turned; he backs off as Dean takes me in his arms even if I reek of vomit and sweat, I need his touch to calm me like it's done plenty of times before. He doesn't understand my reaction to Sam right away he's just happy I'm human no longer a vamp, he clears his brother out and helps me upright legs like Jell-O underneath me; I sit on the closed toilet seat and let him clean me up in silence I'm not ready to talk about what I went through and he doesn't push for any information which is fine by me. Once he's gotten my face cleaned, he kisses my forehead lovingly then leaves to get some clean clothes from his bag; they'll be a little big, but it won't take long to go over home and change I hope dad came and got Cassie or stayed with her I'm surprised he hasn't reached out yet. Maybe he called Dean while I was on my way back to the motel or something, I'll worry about that later. Once Dean is satisfied that I'm more like myself after I slip on one of his old t-shirts and throws away my tattered ones, he helps me into the main room where Sam and Samuel are packing their things.

"Hi," Sam says hesitantly, "so what'd you see?"

"What?" I ask with a glare.

"In the nest," he clarifies, "what'd you see?"

I shift uneasily, right now I'm not ready to talk about what happened, it was rather traumatic on both ends but he's being so damn persistent, "um...well I'm still trying to work through it all...but uh pretty sure they're not figuring anything out on their own," the men raise an eyebrow, "they're getting their orders from the top...where to go next, everything."

"Top as in..." Samuel's voice trails off and I clarify, "their Alpha, at least that's what I think it is. They've got some sort of psychic thing happening. He sends them uh...I don't know messages?"

"Saying what?" Dean asks.

"Honestly? Recruitment drive."

Sam and Samuel look at each other knowingly, "their Alpha's building an army." Sam sighs, "well that's comforting."

"That's not the worst," I admit.

"Then what IS?" Sam snaps.

I look him dead in the eye blaming him for what happened to me because it's true and say, "we don't scare them anymore."

The three men finish packing as I sit at the table a beer in hand, I need to call dad find out if he and Cassie are okay but I don't want to with either Sam in the room so I head outside to the Impala where I can be alone with my phone. I lean against the backside of the car phone at my ear, it rings several times jumping to voicemail then I call the house phone getting the same response; what the hell is going on? I go to head inside when I see Sam coming out the backside of the motel followed by Dean a bag in each hand.

"Did you get a hold of Bobby?" Sam asks.

"No," I shake my head, "something seems off."

He shrugs, "I'm sorry maybe they're out."

"At least I know...YOU got my back," I look him in the eyes, "no matter what happens I can count on you, right Sammy?" He pauses just for a second, "yeah of course, Melanie."

Dean finally got a hold of dad; he had his hands full with Cassie and a few other things, so he took her to Jody who didn't seem to mind the baby intrusion; she'll watch her along with a sitter when she's working and the guilt sinks in then because I feel like I'm turning into John Winchester by leaving my kid behind. Maybe I should stop this, stop putting her second because of my lifestyle maybe just maybe I should let her go to a loving home where she can grow up normally and not with whoever is available at the time maybe Dean will agree with me.



"We tested him, Mel," he says, "salt,silver...everything."

"That girl of yours needs her mother," he says,"you can't be pulling a 'John Winchester,' Mel and you know that."

"Lennie are you ever going to talk to me when Dean's not around?" he asks to break the silence.

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