Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen - O' Father where art thou?

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After much arguments and debate I've got all three of them letting me go to a spot on the building to listen in on what our not so friendly friends are planning; I'm more swift footed than my father even on my bad days. I've got the gear tossed over my shoulder the sun has already risen high in the sky; Dean kisses me on the mouth telling me to come back, dad hands me a walkie-talkie and says the same thing.

"Don't worry," I tell them, "I got this."

I make the trek from the van in the shadows and reach a separated building from the main one and climb it careful not to bump any of the equipment Frank would have our heads if we hurt anything of his. The roof is covered in gravel over the main roofing pieces, I set up shop lying flat on my stomach sliding on the earphones and setting up the satellite to catch any and all words from the meeting room across from me. Leaving one of the headphones partially off I check in with the others that I'm in position and everything is quiet for now, but I'll check back soon. Nothing happens for about a good half hour or so before Dean buzzes me checking in.

"Our side's still dead, Lennie," he says softly, "anything with you?"

I use binoculars to watch the room better and hold the walkie-talkie up to my mouth to talk quietly but still loud enough for him to hear me.

Yeah, same here," but I cut off my own words when the meeting room doors open followed by several people spilling into the large room, "wait...hold on. I got movement – my side, second floor, meeting room."

And I'll reschedule with the Senator for lunch Tuesday; you can deal with the archdiocese in the afternoon, a woman says and Dick nods, fine.

Dick please, a guy in a white lab coat begs, let me explain to you what our program has to offer.

No, Dick growls his voice icy, let me explain why we're shutting your program down; the guy splutters perplexed and unhappy partially upset, I'm shutting it down because of the one golden rule, do you know it? The guy nods yes don't make the papers, and I promise that.... he's cut off by Dick shoving him in a chair his back to me.

No, the gold rule is there's no such thing as monsters. Anything stirs their little pots to the contrary – very bad for our plans. So how can I use your mistake to communicate this to all your coworkers?

The guy starts spluttering and pleading with Dick again, but the man just isn't hearing it because the so-called Doctors have screwed up royally by letting that guy eat those glampers. I watch the woman set a briefcase onto the table, open it, pulls out a bib like thing and ties it around the guy's neck very securely; Dick grins at the man sitting across from him who is now shaking with fear.

Do you know what you can give us doctor? Dick asks, your example

"Lennie? Dean asks over the device, "what's happening?"

"Wait," I mutter barely moving my lips.

Now doc, it's time

At this the doctor starts to transform his head turning into the giant maw of teeth and forked tongue that I've seen a few times and begins to eat himself; I gag and get up to run with the gear and smack into dad coming up the ladder; he eyes me closely.

"They're making the doctor eat himself," I whisper as he climbs up with me, "I couldn't bear to watch."

Before dad can get a word out the truck driver from before punches him hard from behind knocking him to the ground directly unconscious.

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