Chapter Thirty - Four - Zombie Invasion

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After they've gone mom comes back downstairs ignoring me while heading straight for the kitchen to start baking again and I join her even in the uncomfortable silence her company gives me some peace.

"Melanie," Dad shouts from the study, "don't let your mother near the windows."

I nod pulling the small curtain above the sink closed and turn to mom when she starts to fall but I'm able to just catch her both of us dropping to the floor crashing hard onto my knees, dad comes barreling in on his chair and she coughs rather violently which sounds wet and gross.

"I'm...I'm okay," she breathes once the episode stops, "I just got a little dizzy."

Even pregnant I can still scoop her tiny frame up into my arms and carry her through the house to the study and lay her on the couch, "you're burning up mom," I whisper running a hand across her forehead, "I'm okay darling," she coughs hard, "I just...just need something to eat and I'll be fine, really."

I let dad take my place next to her, he wheels as close as he can and holds her hand tightly; I watch them both she keeps repeating that she's hungry and dad trying to soothe her not really wanting to leave her alone.

"It's happening," she announces to us, "I can feel it."

"Shh," Dad says rubbing her hand, "it's gonna be alright."

Fresh tears well in my eyes as they both argue about her turning, she wants him to do it to put her down before she attacks us or her unborn grandchild when he doesn't do as she asks, she blurts out that she remembers.

"You remember what?"

She coughs hard then opens her mouth as the words spill out, "everything," she answers sadly, "the demon inside me, hurting Melanie, you killing me. I remember."

"Then you know.... why I can't do it," Dad's voice is sad, but mom isn't done talking, "and I remember when I came back there was a man."

"What do you mean, a man?"

With tears in my eyes, I approach dad's desk where his pistol and shot gun lay atop it.

"At the grave," she tells him, "he was so thin. Like a skeleton and he told me to give you a message."

"W-why didn't you tell me before?"

I grab the pistol and stand behind dad, not cocking it waiting for her to respond.

"You've seen so much," her eyes meet mine over dad's shoulder, "both of you...I just wanted to see you smile."

Mom then pulls dad down whispering in his ear to the point where I can't hear; this move makes me angry, so I cock the gun as Dean appears in the doorway to the study, I pull the trigger without hesitation just as dad sits back up out of my line of fire. The shot splatters blood and gore across the pillow; mom's hand drops out of dad's to dangle limply from the couch; my hand starts to shake with the smoking gun still in it but Dean rushes over taking it from me before I hurt someone. The two of them take mom's body outback and get gear from one of the vehicles; Dean leaves me with the heavily loaded shotgun putting emphasis on not shooting myself for doing what I did.

"You did the right thing, Melanie," he whispers hugging me tightly; "I know you don't want to believe that, but she knew what was happening to her didn't she?" I can only nod, "let's take care of the rest of these sons of bitches."

I lock all the doors while they are out getting loaded up leaving only the front door unlocked in case those two have to run for cover; I've used a shotgun a few times in my life and am pretty handy with it. I jump a little when the gunfire starts and people are yowling out in the junkyard; I pull the gun up aiming at the door for anything that isn't dad or Dean. There's silence after a while then the front door is knocked open and I almost shoot the two of them, but they turn and barricade the door, well Dean barricades it.

"Got any more ammo? I'm low."

"We got plenty,' dad scoffs, "just run back past the zombies; it's in the van, where we left it."

While those two bicker about ammo I take several shots out the front window taking out several people as do Dad and Dean at the back of the house and we finally end up empty of all shells. There's loud clattering upstairs as is coming from another room at the back of the house, Dean grabs dad's wheelchair pushing him towards one of the larger closets at the opposite end of the house away from the zombies. However, when I try to make a break for it several bodies fall from the broken windows into the kitchen, shit! I turn back around to head toward the closet under the stairs, but more bodies emerge from another direction in the house which turns into a mob surrounding me. They swipe and claw at me, some of them covered in fresh and old blood probably the loved ones that took them back in however when I hear someone shouting, they turn towards the front door where Sam and the Sheriff stand taking shots at the bodies around me, I get down on the floor to avoid being hit by mistake.

"Melanie!" Jody shouts, "are you okay?"

She pulls me up with one arm while Sam runs for Bobby and Dean where the other undead can now be heard beating on the closet door.

"I'm good," I breathe, "thanks for the save."

"How's the baby?"

"She's fine."

Jody's smile grows wide, oops I forgot to tell her what it ended up being, but she just hugs me tightly and I return the hug this has probably been one of the longest nights of my life so far.



"So," dad starts, "thinking maybe I should apologize for losing my head back there."

"Part of the job," I murmur, "gotta do what you have to or get killed."

"Then she'll be out here for us to spoil and love," he kisses my temple, "I love you.""

I'm pregnant, not weak asshole," I growl, "now get the hell out of here or next time it won't just be a graze!"

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