Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three - Chicken Scratch

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Groaning I wipe at my eyes as the sound of a news reporter coming from somewhere.

At a lost to explain the continent-wide storm system that appeared seemingly out of nowhere blanketing a good part of the nation in freak lightning displays.

I get to my feet finding Sam and Dean huddled around the laptop watching a live news report.

Here with Dr. Marlon Price of the U.S. Meteorologist Survey at a press conference earlier today.

The Meteorologist explains the phenomenon but can't tell us how or why it happened; one of the papers next to the laptop moves and slides to the floor.

"Dad?" I ask a loud, but no response comes.

"I think it is," Sam says, "but that whole adventure at Roman's seems to have drained his batteries."

"So," I hold back a yawn, "storm heard around the world, huh?"

"When Dean broke that rock," Sam gestures with a hand, "every maternity ward within a hundred-mile radius got slammed. Looks like every woman in the last month of her pregnancy went into labor."

"That doesn't explain why you went falling to the floor though," Dean looks at me, "any guesses?"

"I was made for Michael, right?" they nod, "maybe uh, it's God or Angel related and recognized that inside of me."

"Possible," Dean mutters picking up the rock, "so heavyweight signs, omens – what do we got?"

"I assume it's writing," I roll my eyes at Sam's observation, "but I've never seen anything like it, ever. And it doesn't match anything in any book or online."

"Seems almost like chicken scratch to me," I mutter.

We discuss this a little more wondering what the lead Leviathan would want with it, along with pouring his money well the real Dick Roman's money into health care for us humans.

"Looks like we got to go underground again," I state unhappily, "Dick will be out for us since we have this and it's open season on Winchesters."

"Rufus' cabin?" Dean suggests and Sam and I agree when his phone rings.

He looks down at it then back up at us, "it's Meg," he answers it, "what?" his eyes widen then says to us, "Cass is awake."

"When?" I ask and Sam relays to us from Meg that he awoke last night about the same time we busted the stone free, "and you waited to call us?" Dean snaps and Sam switches to speaker phone.

"I've been busy with Cass," she snaps right back, "he's just a tad different than when he dozed off, 'kay?"

"Different as in what?" I ask and she groans, "doll, not a nurse, remember? Just playing one on TV. Want answers? Start driving."

She hangs up and we stare back at each other, we need to be lying low after stealing from Dick Roman but at the same time our friend is up and around but different which we need to go check out; maybe he would know more about this stone we uncovered.

"So, Indiana?" Sam asks and Dean nods, "yeah eight o'clock last night."

"Same time you opened up that thing," I gesture with a hand to the worded rock.

Groaning we load everything up including the rock in Sam's duffle and we take a trip back to the mental hospital I was in before; it's nightfall by the time we get there, and Meg greets us as we enter the building leading us back to the room where I was in.

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