Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Nine - Better than New

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My brain is really foggy but somehow, we're in the car again as my vision clears and I sit upright.

"Where are we?" I ask my voice cracks as if it hadn't been used in a while.

Sam is seated in the back and I'm up front with Dean his arm around my shoulders, he smiles a little.

"Mel?" he asks and I look at him, "what?"

"Take it easy," he soothes as if I'd told him something that he wanted to hear, "how you, uh – how you feeling?"

"Exhausted," I admit, "like I slept for a week with the flu or something."

"Well try a day," he tells me, "you've been out since the sky's been spittin' angels."

I look over my shoulder at Sam who nods, "what do you remember?" he asks and I shrug, "not much, the church, feeling like crap then the angels were falling."

"But you're, you're feeling good?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, yeah I guess," I mutter, "you guys have been going around with me passed out in the front?"

"Not the whole time," Dean chuckles, "we laid you down in the back for a while too. Don't worry no one got too handsy on you, I meant what I said at the church," he glances at me, "you're capable of anything, Lennie and hell if you didn't prove me right."

"Good," I straighten in the seat, "cause we got work to do."


Dean's lying on a picnic table his leg propped up so I can lean against it, Sam sits down next to me on the actual bench.

"So, what, Cass is human now?" I ask.

"Ish," Sam corrects, "he's got Grace, no wings, no...harp," I chuckle, "whatever the hell else he had."

"Where'd he crash land?"

"Called from a payphone," Dean sits up pulling me against him, "Longmont, Canada, I told him to just make for the bunker."

"Can he handle a road trip like that?" Sam asks and Dean shrugs, "Cass is a big boy, things go Breaking Bad, he knows our number. Right now we got bigger worries."

"The Fallen Angels?"

"Yeah," he says, "I mean thanks to Metatron, we now have a couple thousand confused loose nukes walking around down here."

"What are they gonna do?" I ask.

"I got no damn clue," Dean says and then I realize what else is missing from this conversation, "what about Crowley? You uh..." I drag my thumb across my throat and he shakes his head, "I would've loved nothing better than to ice that limey bitch but then I thought to myself, what would Melanie Winchester do?"

"Don't you think you're milking that whole me being amazing thing?"

"You beat death!" he gloats, "how could you be any more amazing than that?" Sam sighs, "Dean we've all beat death quite a few times," his brother scoffs, "way to ruin the mood, Sam."

"If I were you," I murmur, "I would have stabbed Crowley in the head."

"Oh," Dean sighs, "I figured the King of Hell might know a few things, so why not Zero Dark Thirty his ass?" Dean gets down from the table pulling me with him as Sam follows, "so wait, Crowley is alive?"

Dean and Sam take me over to the Impala and pop the trunk, he's bound and gagged the white devil's trap on the underside of the trunk lid stares back at us.

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