Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Two - A Heroine Approaches

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When I open them again the lights above me are bright and I squint for a long minute letting them adjust; when I can finally see clearly and register my predicament, I feel my arms are strapped down at my sides, my legs are tied down as well and I'm practically naked except from the waist down there's a thin white sheet covering me.

"Welcome back, Mrs. Winchester," Dick greets happily, "the doc here," he pulls someone to his side as they approach on the right, "have some questions and tests to run."

"Not like you're giving me a choice," I growl pulling on the restraints, but I can feel how weak I am, "oh you remember that magic tranquilizer from before? Yeah, well I've had to take some measures to keep us safe from you."

"I can't kill you so what's the point?" My question makes him laugh, "well you could escape but with you magically sedated you won't have a choice."

The doctor has moved away moving things about then something is wheeled next to where I'm strapped down on an operation table; I know what's coming and I can feel my weakened state slowly starting to become frightened.

"So," Dick Roman drawls once the doctor is ready, "we know you have powers sure, that you can heal yourself too am I right?" I don't respond but he takes my non-response as a yes, "so I want to see how far we can push your healing limits."

"I'd rather just have you asshats eat me."

"In due time," he smirks at me, "in due time."

Dick doesn't do the dissecting of me himself just watches it all closely, he lets the doctor strike me with a scalpel, burn parts of me, and many other horrible things but my body heals itself in places and others I have to will my body to put itself back together. Somehow the tranquilizer he used is wearing off and yet the only thing I can do is heal which is odd and pissing me off. After a while I'm more than exhausted covered in sweat which glistens under the operation lights. Dick has one more test he'd like to see himself done before he heads out for another meeting with someone.

"Acid," he murmurs to the doc, "let's see how fine her healing precision is."

Did he really say acid? I feel my heart rate spike, but none of them seem to notice me struggling even more not until Dick appears above my head a bottle in hand.

"This may hurt," he murmurs.

I watch as if in slow motion the liquid coming down then pattering all over my face, this elicits loud screams from me, but opening my mouth causes some of the acid to fall in and burn my tongue making me cry out even more and eventually I can't speak the acid burning holes in my mouth almost eliminating my tongue. Both men stand and stare even though I can't see I can still feel their eyes on me; it's taking forever to heal now that I'm exhausted beyond normal circumstances. Roman excuses himself but tells the doctor to document everything until I'm fully healed again. The sting of the acid is gone well sort of my body has started to shut down from the pain while healing at the same time; my eyesight hasn't come back but the inside of my throat is no longer burning or numb which the doctor inspects himself sticking fingers in my mouth which I bite down hard on severing a few followed by my mouth filling with black goo.

With his free hand he hits me hard across the face then he too leaves the room to clean up his black goo mess, sighing heavily I lie here trying to relax now that I'm no longer under the watchful eye of Dick or his stupid doctor. How long have I been here? What do the guys think happened? Then I remember, dad's flask was sitting on the park bench and wonder if they found it or he walked himself to the girl's apartment where the boys are. My body tenses as I hear a door open close to me then I feel the sheet being pulled up over my naked body as the straps are released; I flex my fingers as I'm helped up off the table not questioning the savior right away just relieved to be free.

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